Sunday, November 30, 2008

Example Letter Of Disconnection Telephone

No offense to the decriminalization of medical error

No offense to the decriminalization of medical error
These days you are heatedly discussing the proposal to decriminalize the offense from errors in medical practice and care, the text, easily available and not yet official, it seems still a few known .
Faced with this situation, already anticipated some months ago, Cittadinanzattiva declared its opposition and proposed a quote in a recent document sent to the Senate, "not to alter the profiles of responsibility civil and criminal medical personnel currently in force in our legal and specified by law.
Any change of the profiles of civil and criminal liability only for the medical staff would create a discrimination against all other professionals and other crimes against the person for whom the civil and criminal liability would remain unaltered, questioning the principle of equality provided by the Italian Constitution (Article 3).
addition, the decriminalization of the offense by medical error does not seem the most appropriate response to the criticality of the Italian criminal justice: the excessive time processes, which in some cases coincide with the prescription del reato, costi elevati sostenuti dai cittadini,solo per fare alcuni esempi.
In tal senso le vie da percorrere sarebbero altre rispetto alla “depenalizzazione”: dare centralità processuale al ruolo delle vittime dei reati, rivedere l’istituto della prescrizione dei reati, istituire forme di risoluzione delle controversie alternative a quella legale, etc…In particolare si propone di sospendere i termini di prescrizione del reato nelle more delgiudizio penale: la sospensione dei termini di prescrizione dovrebbe intercorrere dal momentodi avvio del primo grado di giudizio del procedimento penale sino alla conclusione del terzo grado di giudizio.

And so in absolute silence is preparing an 'other award to another caste!
E 'absolutely unacceptable, this' award' would damage ulteriolmente of citizens to inexperience or neglect, have already suffered serious damage!


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