Monday, March 14, 2011

Can My Dog Get Impetigo From Me

Ma quale protocollo H 72? Non esiste nessun progetto ufficiale che obblighi i medici di base a segnalare all'Asl la necessità di fare con estrema urgenza un esame o una visita a un paziente grave.

Da "IL Tirreno-Livorno":

Liste d'attesa, i medici contro l'Asl
«Non esiste un protocollo preferenziale per le urgenze»

LIVORNO. But what protocol H 72? There is no official plan which requires doctors to report the ASL urgently need to do an exam or a visit to a patient's serious. Word of Pasquale Cognetta, provincial president of Family Physicians (FIMMG). Dr. Cognetta emphasizes this is a signal of "voluntary". Task, it's "fast track" for emergencies, in which family doctors do not in any way bypass patients on the waiting list for an exam in ASL structures 6. The President acts on the FIMMG biblical times of examinations, adding that the history of the protocols that allow you to deliver exams on emergency patients is not particularly serious just as the health authority said. The ASL, in providing explanations of the expected record, in a statement explained that: "For ultrasound examinations, vascular ultrasound, resonance and Tac are active protocols called H72, which enable the provision of erogazioone within 72 hours. This ritch is activated by general practitioners, by direct contact with hospital specialists, assess the most serious cases by merging at that location. " Cognetta ensure that it does not. "There is not, nor provincial or regional level, such an agreement - explains Cognetta -. In the sense that doctors have never signed a protocol of this type, and therefore have no obligation to begin the process for urgent consideration. " The provincial president of Family Physicians also clarifies that the same process can be activated by the specialists, "who instead tend to make it clear that any examination of a patient, even urgent, to be prescribed by general practitioners. Not so, even the specialist, assesses whether there is urgency, ASL can take a shortened course of testing and visits. " And anyway, ensures Cognetta, not with the paths of urgency that the ASL can think to solve the problem of waiting lists river. "We must find a different solution - ends - using the appropriate box provided for emergencies (and never used) in the recipes of prescriptions. Of course then no one should abuse the concept of urgency. " AC
March 13, 2011


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