"LE VISITE? BREVISSIMA L'ATTESA SE SI PAGA DI PIU" | IL COMITATO SANITA' REPLICA ALL'ASL SULL'EFFETTO DEI TAGLI AL PROGETTO ELBA, PONE IL PROBLEMA DELLE VISITE SPECIALISTICHE INTRAMOENIA, E ANNUNCIA UN'ALTRA ASSEMBLEA PUBBLICA SU OSPEDALE E SERVIZI ALL'ISOLA | Elba With this report, the Health Committee of the Executive Board meets the assurances Asl 6 on the reduction of resources for the Project Elba: The Management Company usl6 Livorno, following the significant reduction in resources allocated to the Elba project, we has ensured that no hospital or local service will be sacrificed. This is a statement of intent does not relieve us all from all the concerns that have plagued us so far on the proper functioning of the health Elba and does not detract at all from the reasons for which he was born on Elba Health Committee. If any department or outpatient area is existing maintained, this does not mean that it can automatically run with the efficiency standards that we demand at least for some time and to which they are entitled Elba. insist that what it is is not corresponding to reality. For example, you need only one doctor on duty throughout the island of Elba as complex in terms of topography? E ', appropriate to provide a single guard travel for one month every year taking into account the exponential increase in attendance during the entire season? As we have stated on several occasions, in fact, the more critical that runs through the system is insufficient staff dedicated to each hospital ward, outpatient service or territorial, particularly the lack of highly qualified personnel for sensitive positions, such as those related to urgency or emergency and intensive care. Most of the resources for the project Elbe were aimed to get their donations to attract more nurses, doctors and health workers to come to work and above all to stay in Elba. This, along with a municipal government housing policy, which would provide decent accommodation at reasonable prices, also accompanied by a continuous interchange between the different companies, would have triggered a virtuous system for which economic incentives to remain sull’isola si poteva aggiungere una importante possibilità individuale di crescita professionale anche in loco. Noi crediamo che questa sia la missione di qualsiasi amministrazione che debba governare il nostro sistema sanitario. Per noi infatti il soddisfacimento del diritto alla salute deve essere sempre e rigorosamente a vocazione pubblica e nel suo ambito fornire la massima efficienza possibile ed in tempi ragionevolmente brevi senza che le liste di attesa per qualsiasi prestazione diventino un calvario per i cittadini utenti. Per questo respingiamo con forza qualsiasi insinuazione che ci assegni un ruolo di sponsor per prestazioni private fornite da istituti o ambulatori privati presenti sull’Isola. Tuttavia ciò non means that in some particular cases of crowding may be useful for patients that the company signed contracts with a private home in highly controlled functionality, efficiency and economy to make the wait less painful and to avoid an expensive and arduous journey to the continent by the circumstances, while we know that have already been activated agreements with some private institutions in other Tuscan cities that are sometimes directed our citizens. We wonder if the rightful inspiration of the public health service has at times compatible with incidents reported by some users for whom the only reservation center (Cup), I would point to the long time waiting to receive such regular visits of specialists, immediately responds that this can be done in a very short time if made under the same intramural specialist, but certainly at a cost much higher. As if to say, those who can not afford to make do! To discuss and to involve all citizens in these and other important issues, the Committee Elba Health will launch a public meeting in the near future that also invite all those responsible or who is involved directly or indirectly in the management of Health Elba. Soon it will communicate the date and place. | Friday February 25, 2011 - 03:44 |
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