Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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From "Il Tirreno"

The ASL doubles the helicopter rescue service

transfers also will be strengthened by sea patrol
Baldo Puccini
PORTOFERRAIO. The helicopter doubles. There will be two helicopters that will operate the 118 on the island. Next to the Pegasus 2, which is based in Grosseto 3 can also operate the Pegasus Room at Mass that will be enabled on the fly on the water and can thus ensure the presence of a replacement vehicle. But not only. The transfers of the sick will be reinforced by sea with alternative means to ferries. There will be more smoothly in the event of non availability of the transport plane based in Grosseto for failure than for any other intervention, but also there will be no transfer of more seriously ill patients with no liners. A project led by the director general of ASL 6 Livorno, Monica Calamai, who has already submitted a request to the Region (the opinion seems to assume) to have, and other islands of the Elbe, the availability of replacement air half the Pegasus 2 which is located in Grosseto. One half of the 118 emergency, one of three which are peculiar to the region that will work, in this case, Massa. Calamai says: "I think we should also start a further reflection on the transport by sea in the light of past experiences, as in the recent case of a child who was subsequently admitted to Mayer. We need new strategies and new media when there is the possibility of weather to use the Pegasus. We want to standardize the service also on the sea route that needs to go beyond the use of the ferry across the vessels also enabled the police to this service. We must be sure that you have done everything possibile. Di sicuro con il doppio elicottero e un diverso percorso marittimo, oltre al traghetto, il livello assistenziale sarà molto migliorato».   Sempre in quest'ottica sarà attivato un posto letto per la sub intensiva.  Il posto letto è quasi pronto, manca la fornitura di un monitor e dovrà essere formato il personale infermieristico ma è solo questione di settimane.
14 marzo 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

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mercoledì 13 ottobre 2010

Tempi di attesa ecografia tiroidea a Portoferraio

In regard to the news appeared in these hours about some of the media in relation to a patient who has applied for Elba thyroid ultrasound at our facilities, Azienda USL 6 of Livorno states:

- for ultrasound examinations, the vascular ultrasound and CAT scan are active protocols so-called "H 72" allowing the delivery of the service within 72 hours. This path is activated by general practitioners who, through direct contact with hospital specialists, evaluate the most challenging cases to bring together in this way. The non-use of this protocol indica una valutazione, fatta da parte del medico di famiglia, di “non-urgenza”.

- Nel caso specifico un’ulteriore valutazione viene fatta dagli operatori del servizio di Endocrinologia i quali prevedono per ulteriori controlli urgenti un’agenda di prenotazione entro i 15 giorni, mentre per quelli ordinari, per i quali non deve essere garantito il tempo di attesa, si fa riferimento alla tradizionale agenda Cup;

- tutte le agende Cup sono pubbliche e visibili da tutti gli operatori in rete che accedono in fase di prenotazione a garanzia di trasparenza;

- per le patologie di tipo oncologico sono attivati in Azienda ulteriori percorsi specifici di erogazione indipendenti da quelli utilizzati per le other outpatient services.

the Health USL 6 is working hard to eliminate the inconvenience of users linked to waiting times as shown by the opening of the central preospedalizzazione, installation of new diagnostic equipment including three next-generation MRI el 'accession to the organization of the cluster X-ray Large Area.

have any questions or check on waiting times, please note the existence of the Help Desk assessing the appropriateness of waiting than the real health needs. The service responds to the toll-free number 800 016 009 Monday to Friday from 9.30 to 13, where an operator prenderà in carico la segnalazione dell’utente. Sarà cura dell’operatore contattare direttamente i professionisti aziendali coinvolti cercando, dove possibile, di risolvere le problematiche presentate.

Ufficio Stampa USL 6

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Ma quale protocollo H 72? Non esiste nessun progetto ufficiale che obblighi i medici di base a segnalare all'Asl la necessità di fare con estrema urgenza un esame o una visita a un paziente grave.

Da "IL Tirreno-Livorno":

Liste d'attesa, i medici contro l'Asl
«Non esiste un protocollo preferenziale per le urgenze»

LIVORNO. But what protocol H 72? There is no official plan which requires doctors to report the ASL urgently need to do an exam or a visit to a patient's serious. Word of Pasquale Cognetta, provincial president of Family Physicians (FIMMG). Dr. Cognetta emphasizes this is a signal of "voluntary". Task, it's "fast track" for emergencies, in which family doctors do not in any way bypass patients on the waiting list for an exam in ASL structures 6. The President acts on the FIMMG biblical times of examinations, adding that the history of the protocols that allow you to deliver exams on emergency patients is not particularly serious just as the health authority said. The ASL, in providing explanations of the expected record, in a statement explained that: "For ultrasound examinations, vascular ultrasound, resonance and Tac are active protocols called H72, which enable the provision of erogazioone within 72 hours. This ritch is activated by general practitioners, by direct contact with hospital specialists, assess the most serious cases by merging at that location. " Cognetta ensure that it does not. "There is not, nor provincial or regional level, such an agreement - explains Cognetta -. In the sense that doctors have never signed a protocol of this type, and therefore have no obligation to begin the process for urgent consideration. " The provincial president of Family Physicians also clarifies that the same process can be activated by the specialists, "who instead tend to make it clear that any examination of a patient, even urgent, to be prescribed by general practitioners. Not so, even the specialist, assesses whether there is urgency, ASL can take a shortened course of testing and visits. " And anyway, ensures Cognetta, not with the paths of urgency that the ASL can think to solve the problem of waiting lists river. "We must find a different solution - ends - using the appropriate box provided for emergencies (and never used) in the recipes of prescriptions. Of course then no one should abuse the concept of urgency. " AC
March 13, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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http://iltirreno.gelocal.it/cecina/cronaca/2011/03/12/news/cardiologia-meno -resources-and-only-4-3666056-monitored beds-

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Adapted from T. Elba News

Roberto Marini (provincial president UDC)
If anyone is still dreading the dismantling of our hospital, we also put his mind at rest because the decommissioning has already occurred. These days I got to go to visit hospital patients and so I personally have seen the deterioration of our hospital. A continuous nothing worth the health department's statements that always tries to reassure on improving quality and quantity of services.

These are the facts: the mother-child area, which many fear and discontent among the citizens had originated from Elba for the reduction of beds for the possible commingling of children with adults, is proving to be structurally inappropriate. When I went in the infants department and there were five beds available for mothers, expectant mothers and women admitted to obstetrics were all busy enough to force the hospital to have a room of Pediatrics. In medicine, by contrast, there is a commingling in the same room of women and men. We recently moved from a "hotel" on a five-star hostel.

In all this, our health professionals continue to work, doing somersaults in a time when, among other things, they are told that the cuts will have incentives to reduce the "Project Elba" by the region. We have repeatedly argued that the funds allocated by the Region of Tuscany with the aim of improving the health system Elba were largely used by the Company to cover the costs arising from existing services and that nothing had been added over time. Hence the reduction should not affect the incentives to our medical staff: in fact there is no service 'on' with those funds to maintain.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011 - 01:00

Monday, March 7, 2011

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soon organized a public meeting on Health 'OF' ELBA, OPEN TO ALL. We hope you will respond to this initiative ELBA AND 'WE NEED TO SEE THAT!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

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La Cassazione: "No ai malati dimessi perché l'ospedale vuole ricoveri brevi" - Repubblica.it

The Supreme Court: "No to patients discharged because the hospital wants to brief hospitalization" - Repubblica.it

Monday, February 28, 2011

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Copy-paste from Elba Report
Monday, February 28, 2011

Towards the new health and social integration of the region

The new plan for 2011-2015 will be the first time health and social services together, integrated.

The path to his ura same has already been started. Since March the best time to start listening
two months during which The working group will be responsible for drafting the Plan and meet with citizens
operators, to listen to needs, demands and proposals. The result is a plan really involved, the result of
contribution of all.

to present the launch of the new PSSIR (Social and Regional Integrated Health Plan) 2011-2015,

and demonstrate new ways of working, the commissioners the right to health and welfare Daniela Scaramuccia
Salvatore Allocca will hold a press conference. The appointment is for Monday, February 28, at 13
in the press room of Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati, Piazza Duomo 10.

The press conference will be attended by Remaschi Marco, president of Commssione health;

Regional Council, and representatives of Anci and Uncem, who will work with the regional structures
in the listening phase.

Lucia Zambelli from Tuscany News

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Intanto, il macchinario per la risonanza magnetica resta ben imballato e le liste d'attesa stretch.

From "Il Tirreno"

Analysis transferred to Livorno, by doctors and technicians

Everything under the minus sign. The tour of the tubes to the hospital in Livorno, will cost laboratory Villamarina the loss of a doctor, a biologist and three technicians. Meanwhile, the machinery for magnetic resonance imaging is well packed and waiting lists are getting longer. For a discussion, no appointment until mid-October. A Cecina. By mid-month, the Directorate will meet with local health unions for an examination of the project anticipated by the Tyrrhenian Sea. Among the organizations, many questions revolve around the possibility that the concentration of almost all the analysis in the capital and, to a lesser extent, in Cecina, may ultimately determine indeed a genuine savings and to increase the efficiency of servizio.

27 febbraio 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Copia-incolla da Tirreno Elba NEWS:

Elba With this report, the Health Committee of the Executive Board meets the assurances Asl 6 on the reduction of resources for the Project Elba: The Management Company

usl6 Livorno, following the significant reduction in resources allocated to the Elba project, we has ensured that no hospital or local service will be sacrificed. This is a statement of intent does not relieve us all from all the concerns that have plagued us so far on the proper functioning of the health Elba and does not detract at all from the reasons for which he was born on Elba Health Committee. If any department or outpatient area is existing maintained, this does not mean that it can automatically run with the efficiency standards that we demand at least for some time and to which they are entitled Elba.

insist that what it is is not corresponding to reality. For example, you need only one doctor on duty throughout the island of Elba as complex in terms of topography? E ', appropriate to provide a single guard travel for one month every year taking into account the exponential increase in attendance during the entire season?

As we have stated on several occasions, in fact, the more critical that runs through the system is insufficient staff dedicated to each hospital ward, outpatient service or territorial, particularly the lack of highly qualified personnel for sensitive positions, such as those related to urgency or emergency and intensive care. Most of the resources for the project Elbe were aimed to get their donations to attract more nurses, doctors and health workers to come to work and above all to stay in Elba. This, along with a municipal government housing policy, which would provide decent accommodation at reasonable prices, also accompanied by a continuous interchange between the different companies, would have triggered a virtuous system for which economic incentives to remain sull’isola si poteva aggiungere una importante possibilità individuale di crescita professionale anche in loco.

Noi crediamo che questa sia la missione di qualsiasi amministrazione che debba governare il nostro sistema sanitario. Per noi infatti il soddisfacimento del diritto alla salute deve essere sempre e rigorosamente a vocazione pubblica e nel suo ambito fornire la massima efficienza possibile ed in tempi ragionevolmente brevi senza che le liste di attesa per qualsiasi prestazione diventino un calvario per i cittadini utenti. Per questo respingiamo con forza qualsiasi insinuazione che ci assegni un ruolo di sponsor per prestazioni private fornite da istituti o ambulatori privati presenti sull’Isola.

Tuttavia ciò non means that in some particular cases of crowding may be useful for patients that the company signed contracts with a private home in highly controlled functionality, efficiency and economy to make the wait less painful and to avoid an expensive and arduous journey to the continent by the circumstances, while we know that have already been activated agreements with some private institutions in other Tuscan cities that are sometimes directed our citizens. We wonder if the rightful inspiration of the public health service has at times compatible with incidents reported by some users for whom the only reservation center (Cup), I would point to the long time waiting to receive such regular visits of specialists, immediately responds that this can be done in a very short time if made under the same intramural specialist, but certainly at a cost much higher. As if to say, those who can not afford to make do! To discuss and to involve all citizens in these and other important issues, the Committee Elba Health will launch a public meeting in the near future that also invite all those responsible or who is involved directly or indirectly in the management of Health Elba. Soon it will communicate the date and place.

Friday February 25, 2011 - 03:44

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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From Tirreno Elba NEWS:

by the Committee receive and publish health Elba: Elba Health

The Committee deplores and strongly condemns the incident relating to the threats received by Dot.ssa Monica Calamai. With company management have Usl6 always had a relationship of dialogue and sometimes fierce and contrast the merits of certain choices. We never thought to turn our struggle, civil and democratic expression of all citizens Elba that sustains us, to uncivilized manifestations of intolerance directed toward the person of General Director. She performs its task in accordance with the directives of the regional government, with independence of mind and personal staff members working with you, one and only focused on what our attention and our action. We expressed our opinions openly, having always had regard for communicate it to the same doctor because he has Calamai, as it should, direct knowledge. These events of violent intolerance as well as deeply offensive and principally its victims, can only indirectly damage our Committee
and his battle to improve the health of Elba, so, reading the news of this serious incident, we can not we also do not become seriously personally offended and outraged. Therefore to express our full solidarity with Dr. Calamai, hoping that this disturbing event can not disturb our relations in the future to continue a fruitful dialogue for the benefit of all.

Saturday, February 19, 2011 - 01:15

Photo 1: Michele Rampini

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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A clamorous protest RESIGNS FROM WORK OF BEN ALI IN SERVICE indefinitely PORTOFERRAIO: "I can not 'work in these conditions"

From Tirreno Elba NEWS:

SENSATIONAL PROTEST OF BEN ALI IN SERVICE indefinitely PORTOFERRAIO: "I can not 'work in these conditions"
In a crisis like this, give up a seat permanent employment in a public institution seems really crazy. Eppure qualcuno ha avuto il coraggio di farlo, e ci ha chiamato per raccontare la sua storia. Ben Ali, 32 anni, tunisino, è all’ospedale di Portoferraio da un anno e mezzo, dopo aver vinto un concorso da infermiere professionale. Ha in mano la sua lettera di dimissioni, appena protocollata dagli uffici di San Rocco. Perché un gesto simile, gli abbiamo chiesto: “Sentivo di avere l’obbligo morale di farlo, almeno per me stesso – ci ha detto in tono pacato ma molto deciso – quando uno si alza al mattino per andare a lavorare deve essere sereno, qui invece stiamo vivendo una situazione abbastanza critica per mancanza di personale. Trovarsi da solo con dodici, sedici, a volte 22 posti letto da gestire a livello di care, treatment, emergencies, it's very stressful. When one is 30 years old like me, try to work hard and make the others feel good, and do not want to risk that something happens that does not depend on him. " Ben Ali works - or rather, worked - in the medical department on the third floor of the hospital of Portoferraio. "It 'a situation that has gone on now for a year and a half - he says - we wrote to hospital officials and trade unions to denounce this situation, we have made every meeting possible and imaginable, we are spending so many words, and now it's time to do something, at least as far as I'm concerned. For a year and a half lack staff with my qualification. When I did the competition for the Elbe we were thirty, and have come here at least a dozen, then after five or six months, many have asked for transfer to Piombino and Livorno: there would then be asked because it lacks the staff , but mostly because people do not want to work stay at Elba. Everyone knows the difficulties. I like to stay in Elba, but I had to face it too, and not just the problem of the cost to rent the apartments, but especially for working conditions. " We asked Ben Ali if there were specific incidents that led him to take this drastic decision, and he responded by simply telling quello che è successo stanotte in reparto: “Ieri sera nel nostro turno eravamo in due in alta intensità e in bassa intensità, due zone separate da tre porte chiuse, e ci siamo chiesti: ma se uno di noi due si sente male , chi lo sostituisce? Io ho chiamato i responsabili, ho chiamato anche i Carabinieri per far presente questa situazione a rischio. Mi è stato risposto: ma alle dieci di sera io che cosa posso fare? Probabilmente – ha aggiunto l’ormai ex infermiere con una punta di amarezza – bisogna aspettare che succeda qualcosa di grave per prendere provvedimenti. Se io sbaglio qualcosa nel mio lavoro, se non posso dare assistenza ai pazienti del mio reparto, arriva subito qualcuno a chiedermene conto”. Abbiamo chiesto a Ben Ali se si fosse confrontato con i suoi colleghi, “ma loro – ci ha risposto – questi problemi li vedono dal loro punto di vista, ed hanno i loro buoni motivi per andare avanti: io sono giovane, non ho famiglia, e non me la sento di andare avanti così”. E da domani, cosa farà? “A questo punto apro una partita IVA e lavorerò in proprio: mi assumerò le mie personali responsabilità, mi organizzerò nella maniera migliore per le mie esigenze e per la mia coscienza: lavorare da dipendente in questa sanità, oggi, non è più conveniente, è un rischio che non voglio correre”.

  mercoledì February 9, 2011 - 17:47

Photo 1: Ben Ali

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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From "Il Tirreno" Piombino-Elba of December 31, 2010
" Magnetic resonance imaging is not yet "

PIOMBINO. Among the objectives for Villamarina, the ASL does not forget to indicate the arrival of magnetic resonance imaging. Who is serving an arrival delay and the latest news provided by the same signal with a generic early 2011. Previously it seemed that the machine should come into operation last October. "The increasing use frequent heavy use of so-called diagnostic as CT or MRI, has played a key role in creating a waiting list as the current, "says the ASL emphasizing the collaboration of physicians to reduce unnecessary requests for services and to offer a logistically and technically advanced service. "For this reason - he adds - in the early months of the new year will start operating the new MRI that will ensure top performance in terms of quality and quantity allowing a reduction in expectations." The ASL notes that there are access paths to Tac and ultrasounds, differentiated according to the real needs of the user as the protocols "H 72", which may be paid the service within 72 hours if the family physician finds the urgency.

Elba For us the situation is even heavier, and often we have to move too far, as can be seen by appointment form attached, in which the May 1 issue is not executable. Not necessarily be in a state of emergency to qualify for the times "decent", you can feel bad and need to make assessments even if you are not in a position of "urgency."

We Elba is also precluded the possibility of private agreements, such as happens in who is on the mainland, because there are none. Maybe we should ask about this aspect, as citizens, attention and commitment of the directors for consideration and identified alternate routes in place to reduce waiting times.

Monday, January 31, 2011

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Giovedi 27 gennaio Il Comitato Elba Sanità ha incontrato la Direzione dell’Azienda Usl 6 Livorno.
E’ stata per noi una data importante poiché l’incontro è stato sollecitato dalla Direzione stessa che ha voluto ascoltare le nostre argomentazioni sulla sanità elbana. La nostra azione a difesa della qualità delle prestazioni sanitarie a favore dei cittadini elbani,  in un  contesto di profonda riorganizzazione  di tutti servizi sia ospedalieri che territoriali dettati da una più moderna ed efficace metodologia di intervento, ma soprattutto dall’esigenza di razionalizzare le spese in presenza di sempre minori risorse, ha avuto ampio riconoscimento sia da parte dell’opinione pubblica che   delle Istituzioni locali nonché da chi sta direttamente operando per realizzare  questi mutamenti  divenuti per noi del tutto epocali.

A questo proposito abbiamo sempre sostenuto che la nostra lotta  indirizzata ad ottenere il massimo risultato possibile aveva lo scopo di aprire un dialogo costruttivo anche con la  general direction that the main responsibility in the management of health on its area of \u200b\u200bjurisdiction.
on some general matters we found convergence of ideas, while on others there were certainly differences of opinion. However, we have reaffirmed that the common thread that links all the critical aspects of the system is the endemic lack of staff. There was often argued that the island was for professionals refuse to accept the engagement. This phenomenon will need to deeply investigate the involvement of all those potentially responsible.

Elba The prospect that health care should be increasingly integrated into the overall network of hospital services, outpatient and local business taking advantage of every possible excellence and professional equipment available, you a need that was recognized by both, as has been indicated the need to make an effective osmosis across the medical and nursing staff between different business structures to improve the 'efficiency of services, taking into account that the quantity of operations performed is the best guarantee to ensure the highest possible quality. For us, the new corporate structure may be functional departments in order that if the focus on our island will be maintained at peak level. However, we stressed the need on our territory must be carried out and ensuring all performance standards that do not require special skills to avoid the inevitable economic and material hardships involving trips to the continent.

We also expressed to Dr. Calamai, the Health Director Dr. Lavazza e a tutti gli altri Dirigenti presenti, le criticità che secondo noi  affliggono i diversi reparti o aree di intervento.
La nuova Area materno infantile, collocata in un solo corridoio ha spazi ridotti e produce disagi e possibili pericoli nelle tre sezioni di ostetricia, neonatologia e pediatria. Durante il turno notturno vi sono solo due operatori, per noi insufficienti per fornire  una efficace assistenza a tutta l’Area. Non abbiamo ottenuto risposte e ci è stato ribadito che solo due infermiere di notte sono sufficienti.
Sull’Area  materno infantile continueremo dunque a batterci. Ci hanno comunque confermato, per quanto compete the Executive Board and the Region, the maintenance point of birth, despite only two hundred births a year.

The Department of Medicine, also pending the completion of community hospital and hospice, for the importance it holds, it certainly kept at least in the current size and quality; We hope that Dr. Vecce, retired, being replaced by a professional high-level provides new powers in addition to existing ones, already perceived as relevant. Although the primary will be formally abolished, we expect Responsible for the future has the power and ability to continue the work of those who preceded him. On this we had no definitive answers, but we felt that the intention could be this one. We will monitor and evaluate the final resolutions.

The Department of Orthopedic Surgery and must continue to operate as it has done so far to routine interventions such as hip replacement, we have been assured that this continues to future.

Radiology and Anesthesia suffers more than other realities of lack of medical specialists, they said that they are being built by dell'Estav (Wide Area responsible for the acquisition of personnel and instruments of various types) competitions and lists to supplement the team of Radiologists and anesthetists. We will try to ask in appropriate ways the ESTAVAR and regional government because it is done as soon as possible. While waiting, however, it should be realized that osmosis of dedicated staff in all our company that you mentioned above. No doubt we will insist on this opportunity.

in light of recent cases in which surgery was missing helicopter, we demanded that the Directorate of 118 to take charge of studying and implementing protocols as soon as alternative transportation emergency, and to provide, in Ultimately, the transfer to the mainland by bodies of military patrol boats with the help of a mobile stretcher of any resuscitation. Dr. Calamai is committed to be involved in this choice Dr. Genovesi in charge of. Even in this case it ensures that the issue will be resolved positively and quickly.

Other importante questione che abbiamo sollevato è stata quella relativa alle liste di attesa e alla mancanza o scarsità dei più semplici apparecchi diagnostici e sui frequenti guasti di apparecchiature più complesse  Su quest’ultima ancora una volta ci è stato riferito che la competenza è dell’Estav e dunque anche in questo caso provvederemo a sollecitare, ci auguriamo insieme all’ Azienda,  le autorità competenti.

Sulle liste di attesa non ci è sembrato che ci siano state date risposte soddisfacenti, infatti la tendenza ad accentrare la diagnostica,  i percorsi terapeutici e quelli ambulatoriali verso facilities and professionals of the continent on the one hand allows cost savings for the company, the other will inevitably lengthen the wait for Elba. To work around this inconvenience no doubt, we have proposed the possibility of having on our territory agreements with private practices. There has been claimed to be the same as private clinics to seek similar agreements, if that happens, and we solicit, we will see the proof of facts which will be the answers of the management.

It was announced by the Chief Medical Officer Dr. Lavazza the forthcoming opening of the service "Service Day", a diagnostic and therapeutic spent on each patient for which a single physician responsible will take charge of the whole process, identifying preferential ways to shorten waiting times and responding to health needs of each citizen. This undoubtedly will be an innovative performance and that, if properly implemented, will contribute to shorten the interminable waits to which we are forced ..

For service of physical therapy and adapted physical activity, while agreeing on the inevitability of a centralization of the service that allows a better operation with dedicated instruments and equipment, we have expressed our views on the need to achieve greater mobility to the center merged with the public, emergency vehicles and the interveners' intervention in the territory of technicians to assist physiotherapists in particular the elderly or persons with mobility impairments important . There was announced the presence of a physiotherapist for Marciana Marina so that should cover a vast territory and complex as the far western side of the island.

In relation to all the local services on which today's importance is widely agreed, it was found by both the parties' urgent need to strengthen or even create them from scratch. We hope this will be translated into action and time frame found.
Finally, we mentioned the critical situation prevailing in the Residence Medical Assistant S. John, to promiscuity, which often live guests who need assistance varied. We are promised that both the internal and external structures will be adjusted in order to remedy these problems. We wait and we will verify the results.

During the meeting between the management company and the Conference of Mayors, announced that it was, unfortunately, the significant reduction of resources allocated to the Project Elba. We believe however that these resources should not be devoted to interventions simply routine, but intended to strengthen and improve the quality of services that they have a unique specificity for a very uncomfortable territory as the island. We will fight for us because the resources are not so limited and that their destination is the one linked above.
At the conclusion of the meeting, la Dott.ssa Calamai ha auspicato che ci possano essere successivi incontri  di confronto e verifica con  il Comitato. Il Comitato  si è pronunciato ovviamente  a favore, pur ribadendo il suo ruolo di ascolto di tutte le doglianze da parte dei cittadini utenti, di forte  denuncia delle stesse per ricondurle in un contesto generale di  inefficienza dei servizi, riaffermando il suo compito   di incitare , di criticare costruttivamente, di proporre soluzioni, affinché le Amministrazioni Locali e Regionali, la  Direzione Aziendale producano  un loro effettivo miglioramento.

largely agrees with everything that was written in official documents, we want, however, statements that are not only vain, but that everything is actually made and especially that it is rapidly and times that have been or will be indicated.

The Health Committee Elba

Saturday, January 29, 2011

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January 27, 2011 INTERVIEW OF THE ELBA HEALTH: Reorganization and mergers in the hospital wards not convince the Elbe Health Committee "Mother and Child

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Scaramuccia: “Nessuna conseguenza sui servizi per il disavanzo della Asl di Massa Carrara”

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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Riorganizzazione e accorpamenti nei reparti ospedalieri non convincono il comitato Elba Sanità

From Tirreno Elba News:

Reorganisation and mergers in the hospital wards not convince the Elbe Health Committee, which focuses primarily on the lack of personnel. "The reorganization is proceeding rather quickly - explains Michele Rampini, spokesman for the Health Committee Elba - leaves us puzzled on some issues, including, in particular, the lack of personnel. We know that resources are limited and therefore there is need to rationalize the system; qello we note that, though - Grappling points out - is that behind this organization is not sufficient staff to support it and can not produce quell'efficienza that it should produce. In Radiology there are only two radiologists. There are two anesthesiologists, one of whom works 24 hours on 24 and one on call. To hold throughout the hospital seems very little. "

In any situation, according to the Committee, some departments suffer more than others, as the area of \u200b\u200bmaternal and child that still has some good news according to Dr. Maria Luisa Chiappa, another member of the Elba. "It 's good that the area is all on the same floor - Dr. clarify - the problem is the limited space. We are obstetrics, pediatrics and infants, bringing together children, in some cases with disease, and infants. And despite the nursing and medical staff is very attentive to these rules of hygiene there are problems. I think the best thing would be to enlarge the area and cover the second floor. "

Moreover, according to the doctor, when you are so close and merged two departments will also provide two different access, so you do not do a detachment inside the other but each with independent lit. And that is not there. "The other big problem is that of nursing staff - continues Chiappa - drastically reduced from 17 units to 12. This means three people on duty in the morning, and we have two in the afternoon and two at night. And here the problems begin - according to the doctor - because it is a midwife and a nurse takes care of the newborn pediatrics. In the case where a call is in the delivery room or operating room, practically the department is assigned to one nurse who must occupy the same time of pediatrics and obstetrics. And this clearly is not good. It 's a very big problem. "

the next few days the committee will meet with top company Asl 6. "We will present these things and the best thing is to do it through dialogue - makes it clear Chiappa - What I've noticed in recent years is an impoverishment in hospital a bit 'in all services. Maybe we need to begin to think not with the mentality of those on the mainland I say this from personal experience, but of those who live on the island, with all the problems of the island where the distances change and change very much. We speaks of the mother and child, but the problematic can be extended to all other departments that Hanoi suffered particularly from 2007 onwards. "

When she arrived at Elba, in 2002 he found a hospital that "the small" could work. "There was no single on-call 24 hours on life support 24 - Chiappa said - and this does not mean having an intensive care unit which is entirely different, but an active on-call. Starting from mid 2007 onwards there has been a progressive reduction. E 'right to review things and programs, but pay attention, because when we go to remove the bit, then we have nothing. It keeps saying to turn this into a big hospital emergency room. But a great many first aid needs and present these figures are not there, So in the end everything is on the forefront that there are few doctors in the emergency room and wards. And remember - the doctor ends - that if things are not here then go badly and end well thank goodness because there is a lot of availability of medical and nursing staff of all departments that the time urgency and dell’emergenza trasforma il servizio di reperibilità in guardia e c’è un livello di collaborazione che nei grandi ospedali non si vede ed è per questo che le cose hanno un buon esito".

  mercoledì 26 gennaio 2011 - 02.52

Foto 1: Cartello del comitato in una recente protesta

Monday, January 24, 2011

How To Cover Up Ugly Pipes

Oggi l'articolo completo: "L'odissea di un bimbo malato"

Da "Il Tirreno" 

L'odissea di un bimbo malato

Dopo varie peripezie arriva al Meyer di Firenze in auto col padre

  PORTOFERRAIO. Ha raggiunto l'ospedale Meyer di Firenze, dove doveva essere sottoposto a un intervento chirurgico non in elicottero e neppure in ambulanza. E siccome di traghetti, vista l'ora tarda, non ce n'erano più, ha attraversato il canale grazie a un mezzo navale della Guardia di finanza prima che un'auto lo trasferisse in ospedale.  E' quanto accaduto a un bambino who, with his parents, was involved in a medical odyssey. The child was hospitalized in Portoferraio, pediatrics, for a condition that required - as confirmed by medical personnel of the garrison - a surgical procedure. E 'then requested the transfer to the helicopter in a specialized center of Florence, but the helicopter could not land at Meyer problems of bad weather. During the day, neither has it been possible to arrange a transfer by ambulance, using the liners. And so, in the evening, the child's parents have decided to stand down, against the advice of doctors, and even went to the police, specifically to the naval department of the Guardia di Finanza to be able to get to Piombino. From the provincial command of Finance has come for the use of the vessel and it was arranged the transfer. These are the facts with respect to which, however, there are many questions to which to respond. Why, for example, it was not possible to transfer the child in a helicopter to the nearest airport in Florence, rather than - as suggested by ASL - Grosseto? Why not have been prepared in an alternative transfer by ambulance rather than leaving the parents of organizes itself, taking advantage of the availability of the Financial Police? Questions which tries to answer the company health reconstructs what happened while not clarifying all doubts. "The primary surgeon - said in a statement ASL - no perceived need for urgent intervention required the advice of an anesthetist, who suggested the transfer to the small patient Meyer, not because the operation could not be performed in the garrison of Portoferraio, but in view of the young age of the patient and the wish expressed by the family to follow his son in a specialized center for children. " The difficulties were created by weather conditions on Florence, as reported by the local health authorities. "The company - says the Asl - alerted the air ambulance service, however, Pegasus, adverse weather conditions, would not have been able to land in Florence, but only in Grosseto. Hypothesis rejected by his family. " So in the evening the parents of "have decided to dismiss his son - said the local health authorities - against the wishes of medical staff." At that point the parents have appealed to the Financial Police in this way were able to arrive at Piombino, and from there to Florence.
January 23, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cost To Replace Fridge Thermostat

Odissea di un bimbo malato trasferito dall'Elba con la vedetta della Finanza

From "Il Tirreno"

Odyssey of a sick child transferred from Elba with the look of Finance

He joined the Meyer Hospital in Florence, where he was to undergo surgery and not even by helicopter ambulance. And since the ferry, at this late hour, there were no more, he crossed the channel through a vessel of the Financial Police car before it transferred from Piombino in the hospital in Florence. And 'what happened to a child who was admitted to hospital in Portoferraio, for a condition that required surgery, he starred with the parents of medical odyssey that leaves open many questions.
January 23, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Do You Develop Tolerance To Cat Allergies?


Da Tirreno Elba NEWS

Dal comitato Elba Sanità riceviamo:

"Il Comitato Elba Sanità purtroppo deve smentire le parole pronunciate nell’intervista a Teletirreno dalla direzione della Zona Elba in occasione della visita della vostra emittente alla nuova Area materno-infantile dell’ospedale di Portoferraio. Concordiamo senza dubbio having the opportunity to unify into a single functional space areas of intervention that have the same purpose, but we challenge and we have done on several occasions, the arrangement of the three Departments, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Neonatology into a single aisle and very narrow areas . Aesthetically, the new area is very beautiful to look at colors and designs sure to suit his trade, but considering the arrangement of the two main departments Obstetrics-Neonatology and Pediatrics, and the other one down the hall at the top, we found that there is an admixture Improper between subjects that the weaker party, children, is sacrificed by the possible discomfort to the physical and visual contact caused by the passage of women giving birth, hearing the inevitable cries of the same.

rooms dedicated to pediatrics are somewhat small so as to force the parents to assist their children at night while sitting on uncomfortable chairs. The beds in obstetrics have been reduced, so that sometimes it is necessary that patients occupy beds dedicated to pediatrics. Therefore say that the new organization units and number of employees is in keeping with requirements of the total volume of users, there appears to correspond to reality, especially for its quality and certainly not dependent on the professionalism of those working. Taking into account these issues
we suggested to the Management Board to distribute in two corridors across the area, thus preserving both its greater functionality, is the need for more space and more specific assistance, with clinics at the beginning of each corridor. Clearly, our suggestion was not considered because it may be too expensive, as such a distribution would lead to an increase in staffing.

contrast steps were taken to reduce the existing viepiù reducing from three to two nurses not only the night shift, but also that afternoon with the result that if one of them happens to be engaged in the delivery room or operating room or absent for legitimate reasons, to attend the whole area is a single operator with a consequent serious risk to patients, especially infants and children.

Secondly we proposed, to avoid direct contact between small children and pregnant women, to move down the hall Pediatrics and Obstetrics-Neonatology at the top, first of all we asked to integrate the nursing staff in the night shift and now also in the afternoon, at least three units, but also what has remained unheeded.

We call on all stakeholders so that our voice and that of others has finally listened, we appeal to union representatives of the operators health because they continue to play their role in defending employment addressed the increase in personnel where it is absolutely necessary to defend the already busy and exhausting shifts so that staff shortages did not undermine the right to health of users and professional dignity of employees inevitably subject to possible errors if super exploited.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011 - 15:23

Monday, January 17, 2011

Worm Like Bugs In Basements


Message 22360 of 1/17/2011, 10:46
Walking From:
"The hospital will no longer have a primary medicine.
Nobody is going to replace it. Or rather, no one will fill a position in the department of primary Elba as the new structure of all the hospitals Leghorn Asl sees a role in question is covered by a department head is responsible for managing the specialty - in this case medicine but it applies to all areas of health intervention - in the various hospitals' company.
The health department has explained the decision stressing that citizens will not have any discomfort from the change that fact - from the point of view of the company - will facilitate the users as "patients will no longer need to shop around - said about the director general Calamai Monica - go in search of a physician, but will be the team of doctors to move to provide the same service in hospitals closer to the citizen. "

try to understand best:

The Director General said that this measure will encourage the audience because doctors will be displaced and not you.
It 'difficult to understand how this will be done, as the Medicine General is characterized by an activity performed by internists on the spot to which it is entrusted with the health of patients through the activities department. Only a small part of the activity is organized in General Medicine outpatient service.
According to the Director General should we expect that "having to be the team of doctors to move to provide the same service in hospitals closer to the citizens' activities will be managed by teams of Department of Interior which will move from contintente, (or maybe from Cecina to Piombino). Just as the same team of outpatient activity will Elba.

Mah ..

Sunday, January 16, 2011

How To Reduce Bilirubin Levels

«Disagi e silenzio» Il prete di Bibbona attacca Asl e sindaci da "Il tirreno", all'Elba siamo nelle stesse CONDIZIONI.

by Il Tirreno" of January 13
"Discomfort and silence," the priest of attacks Bibbona Asl and mayors

BIBBONA. I tagli all'ospedale di Cecina fanno arrabbiare don Giuliano Giovannini, parrocco di Bibbona e della California. Il prete attacca l'Asl, ma anche i sindaci della Bassa Val di Cecina, ritenuti colpevoli «di avere disatteso le promesse sulle politiche sociali, sulla difesa delle fasce più deboli e sulla sanità». Nel mirino del parroco soprattutto la chiusura del Cup telefonico dell'ospedale e il relativo call center. «Sulla chiusura del Cup - dice don Giovannini - mi chiedo se non bastava già aspettare mesi per una visita o una diagnosi specialista. Ora dobbiamo anche comporre un anonimo numero verde computerizzato, che allonta ancora di più la distanza tra l'utente e il servizio sanitario». Ma il parroco contesta anche 'A reduction in beds disguised nell'accorpamento three departments and the transfer of analysis from Livorno. The last episode of the closure of the Cup, says Don Julian, "puts the attention of all sober and clear some thoughts that make us also highlight certain phenomena which, in the general silence and for some time, are evolving and mark increasing the socio-political in our territory. " The first question that arises concerns the parish mayors. "Gift is it? Or where are the local authorities? Constituted and elected to safeguard resources, interests and local services, in favor of a specific population, now seem to be growing steadily asserviti a più vaste logiche dove non vale più il territorio, ma la scansione politica e le sue logiche di equilibrio-potere».  Nello specifico: «La reale riduzione dei posti letto nel presidio ospedaliero di Cecina camuffati nell'accorpamento dei tre reparti (chirurgia - ortopedia - urologia), il trasferimento delle analisi a Livorno, i tagli sull'assistenza alle fasce deboli (di fatto), la ventilata volontà di costruire ex-novo l'ospedale di Livorno dopo anni di ristrutturazione ci fanno penosamente intendere che cosa sia il risparmio. Su queste cose e azioni si pone un metro per valutare la reale operatività e la direzione dell'operato dei nostri amministratori. Dove si colloca la politica dei servizi social, defense of the weakest sectors, supporting handicapped and disabled so marginalized by government decisions in this period? Unfortunately, widely disregarded in the region of Tuscany, a place is a great tradition and social reform, "Returning to the Cup" There was enough to make the fateful phone numbers of Enel, Telecom, etc! Our mayors and health managers have never seen or experienced in person what is going to be able to access social services. The cost is too high to pay for health needs and demands with urgency, competence and professionalism prevail on membership cooperative and still asks that brigade, so quiet, a cast of society Tuscan open itself to a careful social and political action that finally discovers that there is no waste, tangentopoli submerged, officials and executives in this crisis have not been any kind of rebates. We said in 2000 (document distributed in parishes Christmas December 25) "Humanizing Health" today we cry out even louder, less demagoguery dear administrators and closer to people's needs, "The second point concerns the employment policies . "The episode gives us a glimpse of the Cup today, now nowhere, that is the priority of work as the supreme good of individuals and families, but rather the logic of saving and targeted information. The jobs lost oggi a Cecina al servizio prenotazioni sono solo la punta di un mondo sommerso che nessuno vuole rendere visibile con il silenzio costante di organi di informazione e poteri politici, perché così deve essere, così è stato deciso e tutto rimane al suo posto. Si consideri bene che proprio qui, grazie alla cultura di solidarietà e riformismo, espresse solo a parole, la realtà non differisce poi più di tanto dall'altra Italia.  Qui, però, si pone una sostanziale differenza, tutto sembra ben funzionare: io posso lottare contro una realtà e fallire strategie, ma se la realtà non la accetto o la rinnego, non posso mettere in atto strategia alcuna. Le nostre parrocchie, piccola minoranza dentro centri più large and organized, are a daily sounding of inconvenience and problems for which alone can not give answers. We invite all parties to rethink the business and political work, starting with a broader vision of social status. " TOMORROW THE LIBRARY Hospital, debate IDV
January 13, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Toiletry Basket For Wedding


From T. Elba News

From Elba Health Committee receive and publish:

" Medicine is one of the most important units of all the hospital is a department in which the average age of patients is rather high and whose services cover a high percentage of citizens. This is all the more remarkable as a defense to an island territory in Portoferraio, which inevitably means lots of trouble. To this must always ensure a high degree of efficiency both in terms of quality of care, and an adequate number of beds available.

The head physician Dr. Vecce of our hospital is gone, unfortunately for us, retired. We thank him for his work and his dedication in running a very sensitive area of \u200b\u200bpublic health Elba. Under the responsibility of his Department has achieved greater efficiency. Following the organizing principle for intensive care, has created a special section dedicated to medium intensity with the availability of four beds for intensive monitoring of patients, have yet to be made a bed for the emergency resuscitation in the event that it is not possible structures in the immediate transfer of the continent. He has worked the best helicopter capabilities, but will need to find alternative protocols for failure to landing. And many others were his human and professional merits, we would invite you, if you like, freed from the bonds of membership, to participate in the activities of our Committee, giving us all his valuable contribution. We hope that the void that is left as soon overcome by a Chief who has his own quality, and to continue his work to bring to fulfillment what is necessary and urgent for us to improve even more as a service essential to safeguard our health. "

Thursday, January 13, 2011 - 00:28