Nothing has changed. Technology does not help. Indeed by 'way of providing more excuses: The lines that do not go. The formula has become standard practice: We have line problems. What
then I do not understand. I've always at my house and I connect the adsl working 24 hours and 24 public agencies, a ... two ... three ... have line problems. The mysteries of caste.
However, I added another piece Puzzle to infinity. Finally, the Fund has established the Sub-Regional on 17/05/2010 and expects the Accounting Department of the City of Palermo to issue vouchers withdrawals to credit the amount of Social and Health Bonus allocated to 42 municipalities in the district, to the Treasury of the City Council, BNL. Ma ..
the City expect the paper.

does not matter if the rooms are adjoining. It does not matter che gli uffici siano forniti di ascensori. I Tempi Tecnici sono Tempi Tecnici. E come negare agli esecutori di questi Tempi Tecnici, la pausa Caffè, la pausa Giornale, la pausa Telefono, la pausa "prendo un giorno di ferie"?
Quando finalmente il "cartaceo" arriverà sulla scrivania dell'addetto al lavoro, questi dovrà preparare i famosi buoni di prelevamento e recapitarli alla Cassa Regionale che provvederà all'accredito alla Tesoreria del Comune di Palermo.
Ed anche qui sicuramente il problema sarà il cartaceo visto che la Tecnologia si ferma a Scilla.
Dopodichè il Buio... non oso neanche pensare cosa succederà e quanto ci vorrà quando finalmente i NOSTRI SOLDI saranno accreditati alla BNL, Tesoreria Municipality of Palermo
and expand these as "technical time" before the numbers are finally distributed to the 42 Municipalities of the District Treasuries, of which unfortunately the City of Palermo, is the parent.
Meanwhile, demand two years have passed.
God help public employees and establishing for them a separate Paradise ... I would not find myself having to fight with the lead time and also the shortcomings in the afterlife ...
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