Coup: the citizen does not count ... First Payment from
Io ho votato questo Governo ed io voglio che continui il suo mandato fino alla fine ma...
in questo preciso momento ore 11,17, alla Camera del Parlamento Italiano è in corso un vero e proprio colpo di stato, camuffato da un non so ben quale principio democratico, verso l'attuale Governo scelto e votato dal popolo italiano.
La seduta presieduta dal traditore e giuda Onorevole (?) Fini è scenario di interventi disgustosi e falsi effettuati da onorevoli (?) che non hanno a cuore le sorti del paese ma solo quelle della propria tasca.
L'odio verso Berlusconi è cosi' acceso che a loro non importa mandare a rotoli un paese intero. Non sono riusciti nel loro intento dell'eliminazione physics by the mad, they failed in their aim and destabilizing stirring up the masses and now all allies, fascists and communists, against those who hate: Berlusconi.
Yuck. The disgust and powerlessness make me sick. Prepare to dark times and confused.
Another Middle Ages is coming. If the Berlusconi government fell in mass so we can leave the country is
useless the citizen does not matter. Restart the chaos and cronyism.
Of the "patri cu Acchiana u all know 'figs" (Sicilian saying that states casino).
Someone aggredirà but .... I am ashamed to be Italian as Bersani, Di Pietro, Casini, Fini, D'Alema and
all members of the Beagle Boys, false and corrupt and eager for power.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Cleanimprint Of Ink On Clear Plastic Wallet
Onbux. Instant
Neobux For lovers of style and speed here is a PTC that seems to be the twin sister.
Gain up to 2 cents per click and up to 1 cents for the Referral. Rental referals and payment payout progressive as
Neobux. Hopefully not as Gagabux scam. The first payout of two dollars now I have requested and immediately received. Next I will be able 'to apply for $ 3. Let's hope so.
Neobux For lovers of style and speed here is a PTC that seems to be the twin sister.
Gain up to 2 cents per click and up to 1 cents for the Referral. Rental referals and payment payout progressive as
Neobux. Hopefully not as Gagabux scam. The first payout of two dollars now I have requested and immediately received. Next I will be able 'to apply for $ 3. Let's hope so.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Italian Sympathy Quotes
ravings ... Who is
Sono secoli che non scrivo. Che poi è solo un mese ma sembra una eternità. Il tempo amico-nemico non mi da tregua e mi stringe nella sua morsa ferrea. Mille cose da fare ed il tempo manca. Molto spesso lo sottraggo al sonno con il risultato di ritrovarmi nervosa ed intollerante e con la mente vuota.
Come si fa a scrivere un Post al giorno? E mantenere contenuti di qualità? Impossibile. E' meglio scrivere cose trite e ritrite o scopiazzate da altri blog? oppure scrivere soltanto quando le sensazioni che premono nell'anima e nella mente si fanno tanto forti da avere bisogno di sfogarle?
Sarebbero many topics to write about. From politics
offering juicy episodes of bad politics (the warrior Fini has fallen from its pedestal in ruining a thousand pieces of clay) to the Italian situation by creepy to those who want to drop at all costs and by all means the ' only government that concluded something etc. etc.
But I do not want. Frankly I do not care ... I do not have children and therefore do not fear for their future, are unemployed and will remain 'and my pension will be made to allow barely a sandwich a day. But I do not care. Otherwise, the alternative would be a gun ... and make a clean sweep clean sweep of all these corrupt politicians, a clean sweep of those who dare steal homes state for a handful of Euros, a clean sweep of those who allow the boat, a clean sweep of those who pontificate really caring about people and their needs. Watch a newscast
me nauseous. I was talking about the time that I lack and I went out off topic. A minute ago I was in January and I was celebrating the new year and are now in August. Summer is almost over and I would not be realized.
It 's impossible to live like this'. Is not life. I would stop and pet a blade of grass. Walking on the seashore in the early morning and inebriate of her perfume. I would like to eat ice cream sitting idly at a table in a bar. I would just stretch out up in the morning trying to capture the memory of the dream just did.
I would stop and listen to my father for the millionth time on his adventures as a boy. I would like to look in the mirror looking for signs of the time that passes and the evil that is not coming back ...
I laugh with tears ... and to embrace and be embraced ...
Ma .. I have no time ... but ...
It 's really so'? or am I running away from myself running into the void and lack of time is only an alibi?
Sono secoli che non scrivo. Che poi è solo un mese ma sembra una eternità. Il tempo amico-nemico non mi da tregua e mi stringe nella sua morsa ferrea. Mille cose da fare ed il tempo manca. Molto spesso lo sottraggo al sonno con il risultato di ritrovarmi nervosa ed intollerante e con la mente vuota.
Come si fa a scrivere un Post al giorno? E mantenere contenuti di qualità? Impossibile. E' meglio scrivere cose trite e ritrite o scopiazzate da altri blog? oppure scrivere soltanto quando le sensazioni che premono nell'anima e nella mente si fanno tanto forti da avere bisogno di sfogarle?
Sarebbero many topics to write about. From politics
offering juicy episodes of bad politics (the warrior Fini has fallen from its pedestal in ruining a thousand pieces of clay) to the Italian situation by creepy to those who want to drop at all costs and by all means the ' only government that concluded something etc. etc.
But I do not want. Frankly I do not care ... I do not have children and therefore do not fear for their future, are unemployed and will remain 'and my pension will be made to allow barely a sandwich a day. But I do not care. Otherwise, the alternative would be a gun ... and make a clean sweep clean sweep of all these corrupt politicians, a clean sweep of those who dare steal homes state for a handful of Euros, a clean sweep of those who allow the boat, a clean sweep of those who pontificate really caring about people and their needs. Watch a newscast
me nauseous. I was talking about the time that I lack and I went out off topic. A minute ago I was in January and I was celebrating the new year and are now in August. Summer is almost over and I would not be realized.
It 's impossible to live like this'. Is not life. I would stop and pet a blade of grass. Walking on the seashore in the early morning and inebriate of her perfume. I would like to eat ice cream sitting idly at a table in a bar. I would just stretch out up in the morning trying to capture the memory of the dream just did.
I would stop and listen to my father for the millionth time on his adventures as a boy. I would like to look in the mirror looking for signs of the time that passes and the evil that is not coming back ...
I laugh with tears ... and to embrace and be embraced ...
Ma .. I have no time ... but ...
It 's really so'? or am I running away from myself running into the void and lack of time is only an alibi?
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Catchy Slogans On Dance
Sprintrade? What or who is behind it?
Here I am after a few weeks on the run where I happened to everything including a pleasant little misadventure with one of the most ' seemingly "big" company affiliation on the Internet: Sprintrade.
Esattamente un anno fa scrivevo pubblicizzandola e caldeggiando l'affiliazione mentre oggi mi devo ricredere
e chiedere scusa a tanti.
Il mio account su Sprintrade è stato chiuso con la motivazione, dopo che mi avevano autorizzato tutti i siti creati compresa la PTC, che le campagne (a lead non a click) che avevo messo in circuito non autorizzavano gli incentivi.
La cosa è strana perchè iscritta a tante PTC continuo a vedere in giro campagne Sprintrade, le stesse che avevo esposto io. Il danno è stato notevole.
Danno d'immagine e danno economico perchè io ho già pagato ai miei utenti le cifre che offrivo come incentivo.
In pratica mi hanno fatto cumulare un importo consistente, hanno accettato quasi tutti i lead compilati dai miei utenti e poi alla fine, dopo un mese...un mese...non un giorno o due ma bensi' 30 giorni mi hanno chiuso il conto con la motivazione sopra espressa.
Alle mie giustificazioni di non aver capito il termine No Incentivi e che potevano annullare gli importi accreditati se era giusto cosi' ma che mi lasciassero aperto il conto, che sarei stata attenta, mi hanno risposto che la loro decisione era IRREVOCABILE.
Ho fatto ricerca della loro partita IVA ma i risultati me la danno non esistente . Al numero di telefono a cui sono registrati risponde un altro Utente. Non esiste una società Sprintrade all'indirizzo they posted.
But what is even more 'serious is not applying, to their affiliates without VAT, no receipt of payment for the withholding tax. Then pay as if there are no official tax documents?
How can they move money without justifying? or at least that amount to justify them? maybe they pay 10 and they self with a record of 100 for the Treasury?
But there's more: the funny thing is that on my other e-mail about three days ago I received an email Sprintrade on current campaigns. I connect to the site with the same email address, I reset the password, they send me, I have access and see all my tax code and data including the two sites that I had in the old account. As I add more and wait.
Today I tried to login but even that account was closed. Did not realize that the tax code was the same for both accounts? How to manage this company? With an abacus?? Who is
Sprintrade? Who is behind? A frustrated / a subject to sympathies and antipathies? An adventurer / in which the gains accrue to affiliates for a fee and then cancel them from the same merchant?
Only one thing ... I know that before working for someone you absolutely have to take all the information you'll ever need and prefer those companies reached by phone or existence of which you have personally found and where it is possible to have normal responses from human beings.
Oh I forgot ... before closing the first account I had never come Sprintrade email address on the mail ... and it leaves me somewhat puzzled ...
Here I am after a few weeks on the run where I happened to everything including a pleasant little misadventure with one of the most ' seemingly "big" company affiliation on the Internet: Sprintrade.
Esattamente un anno fa scrivevo pubblicizzandola e caldeggiando l'affiliazione mentre oggi mi devo ricredere
e chiedere scusa a tanti.
Il mio account su Sprintrade è stato chiuso con la motivazione, dopo che mi avevano autorizzato tutti i siti creati compresa la PTC, che le campagne (a lead non a click) che avevo messo in circuito non autorizzavano gli incentivi.
La cosa è strana perchè iscritta a tante PTC continuo a vedere in giro campagne Sprintrade, le stesse che avevo esposto io. Il danno è stato notevole.
Danno d'immagine e danno economico perchè io ho già pagato ai miei utenti le cifre che offrivo come incentivo.
In pratica mi hanno fatto cumulare un importo consistente, hanno accettato quasi tutti i lead compilati dai miei utenti e poi alla fine, dopo un mese...un mese...non un giorno o due ma bensi' 30 giorni mi hanno chiuso il conto con la motivazione sopra espressa.
Alle mie giustificazioni di non aver capito il termine No Incentivi e che potevano annullare gli importi accreditati se era giusto cosi' ma che mi lasciassero aperto il conto, che sarei stata attenta, mi hanno risposto che la loro decisione era IRREVOCABILE.
Ho fatto ricerca della loro partita IVA ma i risultati me la danno non esistente . Al numero di telefono a cui sono registrati risponde un altro Utente. Non esiste una società Sprintrade all'indirizzo they posted.
But what is even more 'serious is not applying, to their affiliates without VAT, no receipt of payment for the withholding tax. Then pay as if there are no official tax documents?
How can they move money without justifying? or at least that amount to justify them? maybe they pay 10 and they self with a record of 100 for the Treasury?
But there's more: the funny thing is that on my other e-mail about three days ago I received an email Sprintrade on current campaigns. I connect to the site with the same email address, I reset the password, they send me, I have access and see all my tax code and data including the two sites that I had in the old account. As I add more and wait.
Today I tried to login but even that account was closed. Did not realize that the tax code was the same for both accounts? How to manage this company? With an abacus?? Who is
Sprintrade? Who is behind? A frustrated / a subject to sympathies and antipathies? An adventurer / in which the gains accrue to affiliates for a fee and then cancel them from the same merchant?
Only one thing ... I know that before working for someone you absolutely have to take all the information you'll ever need and prefer those companies reached by phone or existence of which you have personally found and where it is possible to have normal responses from human beings.
Oh I forgot ... before closing the first account I had never come Sprintrade email address on the mail ... and it leaves me somewhat puzzled ...
Sunday, June 27, 2010
How Long Trim Pubic Hair
Paid to click. User manual ...
For Banner Credits worth the same as for the Credit Link only this time in addition to the URL of the site we need to add the URL of the banner you want to expose, which refers to the site.
Here's an example of a link with the Referral PTC, for example Neobux known by all and that "maybe" are all members.
Then we enroll a new PTC and we want to advertise exposing our Referral Link with Banner, putting it in the circuit to see all the other members hoping to earn Referral.
If the PTC who wish to enroll in Italian language is coming into our account we will find the
heading "Manage Advertising" but if in the English language will find the "Manage Ads".
clicking a checkbox will find a menu with 'drop-down to create or manage our advertising campaign:
clicking on the Menu' we will find the voice and Banner will present a dialog like the following:
Title: will be the title of our campaign. If we expose our Referral banner Neobux Neobux put as a title.
Site Url: Neobux If we go into our account to find our voice Banner link referals to use. So how Site URL we will put our link Referral:
Banner Url: choose a standard 468x60 banner and enter the URL that will be :
Daily limit: zero
not violate the terms : Check the box
All the sites to which you are registered already provide a good banner and ready so you do not have to do any hard work it 'complicated operations . One suggestion I can give you is that when you subscribe to a site or a PTC extrapolated your codes and get a folder to find them quickly when you need it.
If you have your own blog or your website and you have no amateur can create banners for free on sites that offer this service. I've already talked about this blog in the Free Resources.
A questo punto siete pronti per la vostra campagna. Cliccate su aggiungi banner e dopo l'approvazione dell'amministratore del sito, il vostro banner sarà visibile in un circuito a rotazione, che significa che sarà visibile a rotazione con i Banner di altri Utenti.
Buon lavoro
Thursday, June 24, 2010
How Soon Does Your Cervix Open For Menstruation
Banner Credit Paid to click. User manual ... Link Credit
links appear purchased. At that point you should click on Manage advertising and you should see a screen like this:
Le Ptc non sono solo clic da fare per guadagnare qualche Cent. Ma sono un punto d'incontro tra Inserzionisti che want to advertise their websites or blogs, and users who benefit from those ads gaining some Cents.
Someone asks me what are the links and credits their utility.
Links Credit are credits that are used to advertise their links. You buy . All PTC product packages have more advertising 'or not so small. If a user wants to advertise his site or blog or PTC Referral Link that may prefer to 'buy these links Credit etc ... 100-500-1000.
When you buy and the administrator in the user confirms the purchase links appear purchased. At that point you should click on Manage advertising and you should see a screen like this:
Title: put the title we want to give our ad
Site URL: The link to your site or blog or PTC Referral Link, or any other Referral link
Target country: All countries, hoping that the PTC is also seen in the Congo
Daily limit: zero no limit
see only Premium members ? No so do not check the box
not violate the Terms then check the box. At the end we can do
Add Link Ptc.
Wait for the time required for approval of our links and then we will see the link between the PTC circuit.
At that point we can click Users and since we pay for that click.
A Link Credit can not 'remain in the circuit for a long time. Just reload the purchased loans.
The same goes for ads PTR (Paid to Read) and exchange visits (clicks Exchange).
But since the exchange visits can 'be free deserves a separate discussion and I will talk about in a future post.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Cooking Lessons In London Ontario Probable Site advertising boom. Today say they have a million members. Site Paid to Click (PTC) which has begun cloning the legendary Neobux and fools took the bait. The terms for payments
published in home and everywhere were 4 / 7 days.
The first payment was set at $ 2 I received it in about a month, after numerous messages sent to the contact form with some threatening to publish it as a scam site because you do not follow what is published as terms of payment. Now I wait for the second payment from
May 10 and there is someone waiting too before. They do not have the money? The situation got out their hand? They ripped off the money of those who foolishly makes or has made the upgrade?
I hired a Referral who has never made a click.
Behind Gagabux?
I checked the ToS (Termes of Service) but no longer spoken 'way of payment times ... so no one knows.
Tonight you can not enter, nor with Internet Explorer or Mozilla.
Gagabux is a website Scam. Be careful not to spend more 'a success or' for rent referals will 'to do upgrades, until you clear this mystery.
Forum is bogus, and any comment you leave the filter does not pass the moderation of Bux ... Another daughter born and died?
Another example of fraud ...
Gagabux advertising boom. Today say they have a million members. Site Paid to Click (PTC) which has begun cloning the mythical Neobux and fools have taken the bait.
The terms for payments published in home and everywhere were 4 / 7 days.
The first payment was set at $ 2 I received about a month, after numerous messages sent to the contact form with some threatening to publish it as a website Scam why not adhered to what is published as payment terms. Now look forward to the second payment by May 10 and there is someone waiting too before. Not have the money? The situation has got out of their hands? They scrubbed the money to perform or who stupidly made the upgrade?
I rented a referal who has never made a click.
What's behind Gagabux?
I checked the ToS (Termes of service) but no longer spoken 'way of payment times ... so no one knows.
Tonight you can not enter, nor with Internet Explorer or Mozilla.
Gagabux is a website Scam. Be careful not to spend more 'one cent it' referals to hire them 'to do upgrade, until you clear this mystery.
The Forum is bogus, and any comment you leave the filter does not pass the moderation ... Another daughter of the Bux born and died?
Another example of fraud ... advertising boom. Today say they have a million members. Site Paid to Click (PTC) which has begun cloning the legendary Neobux and fools took the bait. The terms for payments
published in home and everywhere were 4 / 7 days.
The first payment was set at $ 2 I received it in about a month, after numerous messages sent to the contact form with some threatening to publish it as a scam site because you do not follow what is published as terms of payment. Now I wait for the second payment from
May 10 and there is someone waiting too before. They do not have the money? The situation got out their hand? They ripped off the money of those who foolishly makes or has made the upgrade?
I hired a Referral who has never made a click.
Behind Gagabux?
I checked the ToS (Termes of Service) but no longer spoken 'way of payment times ... so no one knows.
Tonight you can not enter, nor with Internet Explorer or Mozilla.
Gagabux is a website Scam. Be careful not to spend more 'a success or' for rent referals will 'to do upgrades, until you clear this mystery.
Forum is bogus, and any comment you leave the filter does not pass the moderation of Bux ... Another daughter born and died?
Another example of fraud ...
Gagabux advertising boom. Today say they have a million members. Site Paid to Click (PTC) which has begun cloning the mythical Neobux and fools have taken the bait.
The terms for payments published in home and everywhere were 4 / 7 days.
The first payment was set at $ 2 I received about a month, after numerous messages sent to the contact form with some threatening to publish it as a website Scam why not adhered to what is published as payment terms. Now look forward to the second payment by May 10 and there is someone waiting too before. Not have the money? The situation has got out of their hands? They scrubbed the money to perform or who stupidly made the upgrade?
I rented a referal who has never made a click.
What's behind Gagabux?
I checked the ToS (Termes of service) but no longer spoken 'way of payment times ... so no one knows.
Tonight you can not enter, nor with Internet Explorer or Mozilla.
Gagabux is a website Scam. Be careful not to spend more 'one cent it' referals to hire them 'to do upgrade, until you clear this mystery.
The Forum is bogus, and any comment you leave the filter does not pass the moderation ... Another daughter of the Bux born and died?
Another example of fraud ...
Friday, June 18, 2010
Whats A Urine Culture
Scam Paid to Click. Begin to understand the mechanism ...
Credo che ancora molti non abbiano capito l'enorme potenziale che si cela dietro una PTC. Sia essa grande o piccola non importa, importa che sia seria e trasparente, ed importa the way in which it faces. You simply click passes the time, look at sites that exist between a click and the other, maybe we will sell the click and pay someone to make them for him (it happens too) but never really guadagnarà .
There will be small payout just to say "I have something to flush my clicks but there will be no significant" gains. " To "see" significant results must be set differently.
a subscriber to RoxPtc advantage of an offer made during the launch has purchased the upgrade (move to a greater extent than free) for 3 months for the price of two months. This
Medals by the upgrade
had more 'click to make, will earn twice as much to free a user clicks on its Referral, will earn a percentage on purchases made by them and may withdraw his earnings already $ 2. Referral
advertise his link has managed to drag his team many referals. After 9 days has risen to about $ 5. Its Upgrade for a period of 90 days. Multiplying 5 by 10 to the end of his state You will have in its budget about $ 50 and since has spent about 14 will have had a gain of $ 36. About $ 12 per month.
This is a small example. Why if the upgrade is done for a year costs less (in proportion) and if you have 20 if they have 100 Referral you can imagine the gains.
If we multiply these figures for the six / seven series and Ptc honest that there are around do not believe that it can become a real job?
do not think you could create a "portfolio", a rotation in order to have "a monthly salary?" I say yes. You can '.
Have two accounts ... and do not waste time with useless and random PTC disappear overnight.
My will and become great and strong. And I will give 'a hand to all decent people who want to supplement their meager wages. RoxPtc
Credo che ancora molti non abbiano capito l'enorme potenziale che si cela dietro una PTC. Sia essa grande o piccola non importa, importa che sia seria e trasparente, ed importa the way in which it faces. You simply click passes the time, look at sites that exist between a click and the other, maybe we will sell the click and pay someone to make them for him (it happens too) but never really guadagnarà .
There will be small payout just to say "I have something to flush my clicks but there will be no significant" gains. " To "see" significant results must be set differently.
a subscriber to RoxPtc advantage of an offer made during the launch has purchased the upgrade (move to a greater extent than free) for 3 months for the price of two months. This
Medals by the upgrade
had more 'click to make, will earn twice as much to free a user clicks on its Referral, will earn a percentage on purchases made by them and may withdraw his earnings already $ 2. Referral
advertise his link has managed to drag his team many referals. After 9 days has risen to about $ 5. Its Upgrade for a period of 90 days. Multiplying 5 by 10 to the end of his state You will have in its budget about $ 50 and since has spent about 14 will have had a gain of $ 36. About $ 12 per month.
This is a small example. Why if the upgrade is done for a year costs less (in proportion) and if you have 20 if they have 100 Referral you can imagine the gains.
If we multiply these figures for the six / seven series and Ptc honest that there are around do not believe that it can become a real job?
do not think you could create a "portfolio", a rotation in order to have "a monthly salary?" I say yes. You can '.
Have two accounts ... and do not waste time with useless and random PTC disappear overnight.
My will and become great and strong. And I will give 'a hand to all decent people who want to supplement their meager wages. RoxPtc
North India Tourist Map
Seem So Easy ...
seems easy to manage a Paid To Click (PTC) but not for anything, especially if you have not yet realized that I no longer 'think for users but put myself on the other side.
Unfortunately this change of perspective that comes a bit 'difficult. I still like you and as such run the risk of doing only the interests of my members and not mine.
I have to be careful and gradually changing perspective.
E 'quite complicated. Also because when I make sure the interests of my members there or there will be one of them who will try any trick of
used on the web and attempt to defraud.
Yes, because even though people who use them maybe he does 'so slight a mo' game is always fraud.
Then I said ... we must be careful about many things and I live in fear that I can do something wrong and then give a wrong image of my site. Unfortunately
make his way in this jungle that is the Web is not easy and only time is the measure of the seriousness of those behind a website or blog, but the question I ask myself is: I will be given by
"friends" of the Web "this time?
I very much hope of" yes "because of their attention and their desire to earn giving me confidence that my survival depends on the web.
seems easy to manage a Paid To Click (PTC) but not for anything, especially if you have not yet realized that I no longer 'think for users but put myself on the other side.
Unfortunately this change of perspective that comes a bit 'difficult. I still like you and as such run the risk of doing only the interests of my members and not mine.
I have to be careful and gradually changing perspective.
E 'quite complicated. Also because when I make sure the interests of my members there or there will be one of them who will try any trick of
used on the web and attempt to defraud.
Yes, because even though people who use them maybe he does 'so slight a mo' game is always fraud.
Then I said ... we must be careful about many things and I live in fear that I can do something wrong and then give a wrong image of my site. Unfortunately
make his way in this jungle that is the Web is not easy and only time is the measure of the seriousness of those behind a website or blog, but the question I ask myself is: I will be given by
"friends" of the Web "this time?
I very much hope of" yes "because of their attention and their desire to earn giving me confidence that my survival depends on the web.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Tech Deck Live Játék
For Passion and Passion
Finally I did. I thought that was a long time and now after years have passed by User on the other side of the fence. I created my PTC. We all know (I hope) what is a PTC otherwise my "lessons" were not used to anything. However, if you missed something you should know that a PTC (Paid to click) is a site where you get paid to click advertising links. You receive small gains but if you start and act in a professional manner and method, you can turn it into a real job. You start by registering for free and earn by clicking and then as soon as they receive their first payments, and has proven reliability of the site you can 'invest a few small fee to increase degree and then earn more '. In short, can '
become exciting. Does not depend on anyone and you can 'self-management time on their hands. If you want you can subscribe and cominciare.Spero try to find you, at least for supporting me in my adventure e. .. ... do not worry ... I'll pay disappear like so many others ... Oh I forgot my website is called RoxPtc .
And this is my Logo
Finally I did. I thought that was a long time and now after years have passed by User on the other side of the fence. I created my PTC. We all know (I hope) what is a PTC otherwise my "lessons" were not used to anything. However, if you missed something you should know that a PTC (Paid to click) is a site where you get paid to click advertising links. You receive small gains but if you start and act in a professional manner and method, you can turn it into a real job. You start by registering for free and earn by clicking and then as soon as they receive their first payments, and has proven reliability of the site you can 'invest a few small fee to increase degree and then earn more '. In short, can '
become exciting. Does not depend on anyone and you can 'self-management time on their hands. If you want you can subscribe and cominciare.Spero try to find you, at least for supporting me in my adventure e. .. ... do not worry ... I'll pay disappear like so many others ... Oh I forgot my website is called RoxPtc .
And this is my Logo
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Lump On Sternocleidomastoid Cancer
Heart of pearl
To my sister in law gave this beautiful mother of pearl heart
asked me to ask you a series
The idea of \u200b\u200bit with the classic chain I did not like so I took the white waxed cord swarovski white pearls and pink and green .... here's what came out
I like very much, I hope you like it too!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Eagle Scooter Wheels For Sale
You Upgrade? No Upgrade?
I spoke extensively of PTC (Paid to click) ovverossia sites that give you a reward for clicking on advertising links and they pay you to achieve a payout ratio (amount) determined by them.
a fun hobby that you will earn a minimum income, without spending a dime (the inscriptions on these sites are totally free) and that appropriate care can 'become a real business, choosing wisely because many sites are scams and many disappear before you reach the amount prescribed.
Let's see how it becomes a real job ...
These sites not only pay you for clicks made by you, you also pay for the clicks of the people you are referring. When registering you will be assigned a code called Referrer Link to publicize it to make sure that other people sign, entering in your "team."
So the first step is to create a team and to enroll as many people as possible.
Many sites are charged from first to tenth level for which it considers will also receive compensation for the clicks made by all those who sign up under your Referral.
Then once the team begins to form and you have applied for the first payout comes time to consider the possibility of investing and doing advance rank Upgrade and Free State by becoming a Premium Member or Gold according to the description that every site to your progress.
E 'a procedure which I highly recommend to those who already have a small team, and that offers significant advantages in terms of income.
Facendo Upgrade si guadagna di piu' a click, si ricevono molti piu' click rispetto ai membri free e i pagamenti si ricevono con tempi decisamente inferiori rispetto ai membri free.
Inoltre, e questa è una delle cose piu' importanti si riceve la possibilità di pubblicizzare gratuitamente i propri link di altre PTC o dei propri siti o Blog .
Si fa Upgrade versando una quota annuale ma molti siti offrono anche l'opzione mensile. Certamente non è cosa da fare alla leggiera e bisogna conoscere bene il sito e la sua affidabilità.
Io posso suggerti i siti dove puoi fare Upgrade ad occhi chiusi perchè seri, affidabili, paganti regolarmente e puntualmente, con ottimo e presente supporto, forum, chat ed email:
Il Portale Italiano
A quel punto un'altra variabile che entra in gioco è il tempo. Se vorrai che diventi un lavoro vero dovrai dedicarci un po' piu' tempo. E credo proprio che ne avrai delle notevoli soddisfazioni perchè avrai creato un piccolo business solo tuo e della cui riuscita sarai unico responsabile.
I spoke extensively of PTC (Paid to click) ovverossia sites that give you a reward for clicking on advertising links and they pay you to achieve a payout ratio (amount) determined by them.
a fun hobby that you will earn a minimum income, without spending a dime (the inscriptions on these sites are totally free) and that appropriate care can 'become a real business, choosing wisely because many sites are scams and many disappear before you reach the amount prescribed.
Let's see how it becomes a real job ...
These sites not only pay you for clicks made by you, you also pay for the clicks of the people you are referring. When registering you will be assigned a code called Referrer Link to publicize it to make sure that other people sign, entering in your "team."
So the first step is to create a team and to enroll as many people as possible.
Many sites are charged from first to tenth level for which it considers will also receive compensation for the clicks made by all those who sign up under your Referral.
Then once the team begins to form and you have applied for the first payout comes time to consider the possibility of investing and doing advance rank Upgrade and Free State by becoming a Premium Member or Gold according to the description that every site to your progress.
E 'a procedure which I highly recommend to those who already have a small team, and that offers significant advantages in terms of income.
Facendo Upgrade si guadagna di piu' a click, si ricevono molti piu' click rispetto ai membri free e i pagamenti si ricevono con tempi decisamente inferiori rispetto ai membri free.
Inoltre, e questa è una delle cose piu' importanti si riceve la possibilità di pubblicizzare gratuitamente i propri link di altre PTC o dei propri siti o Blog .
Si fa Upgrade versando una quota annuale ma molti siti offrono anche l'opzione mensile. Certamente non è cosa da fare alla leggiera e bisogna conoscere bene il sito e la sua affidabilità.
Io posso suggerti i siti dove puoi fare Upgrade ad occhi chiusi perchè seri, affidabili, paganti regolarmente e puntualmente, con ottimo e presente supporto, forum, chat ed email:
Il Portale Italiano
A quel punto un'altra variabile che entra in gioco è il tempo. Se vorrai che diventi un lavoro vero dovrai dedicarci un po' piu' tempo. E credo proprio che ne avrai delle notevoli soddisfazioni perchè avrai creato un piccolo business solo tuo e della cui riuscita sarai unico responsabile.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Place To Celebrate Birthday In Bagalore
not subscribe to this because it is SCAM:
Quello che era un modo leggero di guadagnare qualcosina su Internet è diventata una vera e propria passione. Ed oggi posso means to collect PTC. For those who still do not know the PTC is Paid to click sites where those who sign up to be paid from 0.001 cents to open a link advertising.
In my quest for perfect PTC I joined a few weeks ago to a site by following the link given to me by "nonmiricordopiudachi," which brought me back to a PTC which at first seemed serious and reliable.
to $ 2 Payout easy to reach 20 and daily passes and any links provided halter. Instant Payment
the request. So full of enthusiasm and hope that the test is positive began to click. Everything's fine up to 1.88 cents. A few cents from payout
improvvisamente lo scenario cambio'.
I link erano diminuiti drasticamente e dei pochissimi pubblicati solo tre erano normali. Gli altri erano a contenuto Pornografico. Scrissi al supporto chiedendo spiegazioni e comunicando loro che non gradivo tali pubblicità ma non ebbi alcuna risposta.
Continuai a cliccare aprendo solo i tre link normali impiegando altri 4 giorni per arrivare ai famosi 2 dollari.
E subito feci la mia richiesta di payout che come volevasi dimostrare non arrivo' nè istantaneamente e neanche dopo 24-48-72 ore.
Sto ancora aspettando e enssun pagamento ISTANTANEO. Poche ore fa ho scritto loro che se non mi pagavano entro un ora e non toglievano i link pornografici li avrei pubblicati come SITO SCAM ma non ho avuto alcuna risposta and then here I am. DO NOT SIGN a
fact I will tell you 'more'. Beware of all sites whose names contain BUX creation and 2010. Come quickly and disappear just as quickly after you raise the money that YOU have you done to earn from your clicks.
Quello che era un modo leggero di guadagnare qualcosina su Internet è diventata una vera e propria passione. Ed oggi posso means to collect PTC. For those who still do not know the PTC is Paid to click sites where those who sign up to be paid from 0.001 cents to open a link advertising.
In my quest for perfect PTC I joined a few weeks ago to a site by following the link given to me by "nonmiricordopiudachi," which brought me back to a PTC which at first seemed serious and reliable.
to $ 2 Payout easy to reach 20 and daily passes and any links provided halter. Instant Payment
the request. So full of enthusiasm and hope that the test is positive began to click. Everything's fine up to 1.88 cents. A few cents from payout
improvvisamente lo scenario cambio'.
I link erano diminuiti drasticamente e dei pochissimi pubblicati solo tre erano normali. Gli altri erano a contenuto Pornografico. Scrissi al supporto chiedendo spiegazioni e comunicando loro che non gradivo tali pubblicità ma non ebbi alcuna risposta.
Continuai a cliccare aprendo solo i tre link normali impiegando altri 4 giorni per arrivare ai famosi 2 dollari.
E subito feci la mia richiesta di payout che come volevasi dimostrare non arrivo' nè istantaneamente e neanche dopo 24-48-72 ore.
Sto ancora aspettando e enssun pagamento ISTANTANEO. Poche ore fa ho scritto loro che se non mi pagavano entro un ora e non toglievano i link pornografici li avrei pubblicati come SITO SCAM ma non ho avuto alcuna risposta and then here I am. DO NOT SIGN a
fact I will tell you 'more'. Beware of all sites whose names contain BUX creation and 2010. Come quickly and disappear just as quickly after you raise the money that YOU have you done to earn from your clicks.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Pokemon- Dawn Gets Pregnant
Bonus Social and Health to the municipalities of District 42. Act Three. Continue the adventure
Nothing has changed. Technology does not help. Indeed by 'way of providing more excuses: The lines that do not go. The formula has become standard practice: We have line problems. What
then I do not understand. I've always at my house and I connect the adsl working 24 hours and 24 public agencies, a ... two ... three ... have line problems. The mysteries of caste.
However, I added another piece Puzzle to infinity. Finally, the Fund has established the Sub-Regional on 17/05/2010 and expects the Accounting Department of the City of Palermo to issue vouchers withdrawals to credit the amount of Social and Health Bonus allocated to 42 municipalities in the district, to the Treasury of the City Council, BNL. Ma ..
the City expect the paper.
E 'since you do not have a system of carrier pigeons from window to window, they are forced to wait for this blessed "paper" comes to the Protocol, is registered as incoming mail and then routed to the Office of relevance. Practice which could take up to a month.
does not matter if the rooms are adjoining. It does not matter che gli uffici siano forniti di ascensori. I Tempi Tecnici sono Tempi Tecnici. E come negare agli esecutori di questi Tempi Tecnici, la pausa Caffè, la pausa Giornale, la pausa Telefono, la pausa "prendo un giorno di ferie"?
Quando finalmente il "cartaceo" arriverà sulla scrivania dell'addetto al lavoro, questi dovrà preparare i famosi buoni di prelevamento e recapitarli alla Cassa Regionale che provvederà all'accredito alla Tesoreria del Comune di Palermo.
Ed anche qui sicuramente il problema sarà il cartaceo visto che la Tecnologia si ferma a Scilla.
Dopodichè il Buio... non oso neanche pensare cosa succederà e quanto ci vorrà quando finalmente i NOSTRI SOLDI saranno accreditati alla BNL, Tesoreria Municipality of Palermo
and expand these as "technical time" before the numbers are finally distributed to the 42 Municipalities of the District Treasuries, of which unfortunately the City of Palermo, is the parent.
Meanwhile, demand two years have passed.
God help public employees and establishing for them a separate Paradise ... I would not find myself having to fight with the lead time and also the shortcomings in the afterlife ...
Nothing has changed. Technology does not help. Indeed by 'way of providing more excuses: The lines that do not go. The formula has become standard practice: We have line problems. What
then I do not understand. I've always at my house and I connect the adsl working 24 hours and 24 public agencies, a ... two ... three ... have line problems. The mysteries of caste.
However, I added another piece Puzzle to infinity. Finally, the Fund has established the Sub-Regional on 17/05/2010 and expects the Accounting Department of the City of Palermo to issue vouchers withdrawals to credit the amount of Social and Health Bonus allocated to 42 municipalities in the district, to the Treasury of the City Council, BNL. Ma ..
the City expect the paper.

does not matter if the rooms are adjoining. It does not matter che gli uffici siano forniti di ascensori. I Tempi Tecnici sono Tempi Tecnici. E come negare agli esecutori di questi Tempi Tecnici, la pausa Caffè, la pausa Giornale, la pausa Telefono, la pausa "prendo un giorno di ferie"?
Quando finalmente il "cartaceo" arriverà sulla scrivania dell'addetto al lavoro, questi dovrà preparare i famosi buoni di prelevamento e recapitarli alla Cassa Regionale che provvederà all'accredito alla Tesoreria del Comune di Palermo.
Ed anche qui sicuramente il problema sarà il cartaceo visto che la Tecnologia si ferma a Scilla.
Dopodichè il Buio... non oso neanche pensare cosa succederà e quanto ci vorrà quando finalmente i NOSTRI SOLDI saranno accreditati alla BNL, Tesoreria Municipality of Palermo
and expand these as "technical time" before the numbers are finally distributed to the 42 Municipalities of the District Treasuries, of which unfortunately the City of Palermo, is the parent.
Meanwhile, demand two years have passed.
God help public employees and establishing for them a separate Paradise ... I would not find myself having to fight with the lead time and also the shortcomings in the afterlife ...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
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: Bonus Social Health District 42. Palermo
few months ago I mentioned in my post of a misadventure called Bonus Social and Health that the city of Palermo, leader of the 42 municipalities in the district, should have pagare ai suoi cittadini ed a tutti i comuni facente parte del distretto.
Ebbene a 4 mesi da quel Post , sebbene i cittadini di Palermo siano stati regolamente pagati, i Comuni e quindi tutti i cittadini residenti in tali comuni, facenti parte del famigerato distretto 42, non hanno ricevuto ancora il saldo delle spettanze relative a tale Bonus.
Le versioni raccolte in quattro mesi di telefonate sono molteplici ma ancora
la verità è molto lontana dall'avere la sua giusta collocazione.
Gli Enti interessati: Regione Siciliana erogatrice del Bonus, Il Comune di Palermo beneficiario con il compito di suddividere ai Comuni, la Cassa Regionale e la Tesoreria del Comune di Palermo BNL, offrono via via a me che ho la disgrazia di essere una "semplice cittadina" versioni diverse fra loro .
Versione n° 1:
La Regione Siciliana ha provveduto ad erogare regolarmente i fondi a Settembre 2009, fondi non utilizzati dal Comune di Palermo entro Dicembre 2009 quindi caduti in prescrizione e riassorbiti dalla Regione Siciliana, che ha provveduto a riemetterli ad Aprile 2010.
Versione n° 2:
Il settore Servizi Sociali del Comune di Palermo non ha ricevuto nulla. Ed attende ancora i fondi della Regione Siciliana.
Versione n° 3:
I fondi sono stati emessi dalla Regione Siciliana ad Aprile 2010.
Versione No. 4:
The funds were issued by the Sicilian Region, but the execution of the payment will be made without the approval and publication in the Official Gazette of the regional budget.
Version 5:
The regional budget was approved and published, but no one knows what mysterious reason, the Regional Fund does not move yet 'blessed you money in the Treasury of the Municipality of Palermo.
Version # 6: THE FUND
has nothing pending with the City of Palermo, but if I would provide the number of the Chapter and a search warrant could be done. But I can not have neither the Chapter nor the warrant number, in the guise of ordinary citizens.
Meanwhile the man who took care of this distribution to the City of Palermo has been dismissed and was replaced by an official who has signed to determine the payment April 14, 2010 (but if money were not what signed?) after which she believed right, upset by the effort of a signature, to go on vacation for 15 days.
What happened to that money? What happened to our money? Why is this light that I would call almost criminal, to handle money intended for poor people suffering? Why
an ordinary citizen has no right to control inandempienza of Public Administration?
Public Administration that meaningless without the people.
state, regions, municipalities, just because there are living people. And who clocks in the stamping only thanks to the citizen.
I was advised to be patient and wait.
And my town (Villabate) has not yet received anything and employees, and officials are the targets to demonstrate continuous
and insults of angry citizens.
I can not 'wait. I contacted the editorial staff of Striscia la Notizia, The preparation of TGS, The Editor of "Special Outraged" ... and I have not been contacted by any of them.
The loneliness of people left alone to fight against Baroni government, which non si rendono conto che dietro le pratiche e dietro numeri di capitoli e mandati ci sono persone che aspettano, è
bruciante e devastante.
Non interessa a nessuno quello che avviene in Sicilia? Gli scandali e le inadempienze sono la regola? Chi si ingrassa alle spalle dei cittadini? Dove è lo Stato? Cosa fa lo Stato? Prima di aiutare i paese esteri e fare bella figura con quel cancro chiamato Unione Europea dovremmo occuparci di cio' che accade in casa nostra...
Stanca, stanchissima...
few months ago I mentioned in my post of a misadventure called Bonus Social and Health that the city of Palermo, leader of the 42 municipalities in the district, should have pagare ai suoi cittadini ed a tutti i comuni facente parte del distretto.
Ebbene a 4 mesi da quel Post , sebbene i cittadini di Palermo siano stati regolamente pagati, i Comuni e quindi tutti i cittadini residenti in tali comuni, facenti parte del famigerato distretto 42, non hanno ricevuto ancora il saldo delle spettanze relative a tale Bonus.
Le versioni raccolte in quattro mesi di telefonate sono molteplici ma ancora
la verità è molto lontana dall'avere la sua giusta collocazione.
Gli Enti interessati: Regione Siciliana erogatrice del Bonus, Il Comune di Palermo beneficiario con il compito di suddividere ai Comuni, la Cassa Regionale e la Tesoreria del Comune di Palermo BNL, offrono via via a me che ho la disgrazia di essere una "semplice cittadina" versioni diverse fra loro .
Versione n° 1:
La Regione Siciliana ha provveduto ad erogare regolarmente i fondi a Settembre 2009, fondi non utilizzati dal Comune di Palermo entro Dicembre 2009 quindi caduti in prescrizione e riassorbiti dalla Regione Siciliana, che ha provveduto a riemetterli ad Aprile 2010.
Versione n° 2:
Il settore Servizi Sociali del Comune di Palermo non ha ricevuto nulla. Ed attende ancora i fondi della Regione Siciliana.
Versione n° 3:
I fondi sono stati emessi dalla Regione Siciliana ad Aprile 2010.
Versione No. 4:
The funds were issued by the Sicilian Region, but the execution of the payment will be made without the approval and publication in the Official Gazette of the regional budget.
Version 5:
The regional budget was approved and published, but no one knows what mysterious reason, the Regional Fund does not move yet 'blessed you money in the Treasury of the Municipality of Palermo.
Version # 6: THE FUND
has nothing pending with the City of Palermo, but if I would provide the number of the Chapter and a search warrant could be done. But I can not have neither the Chapter nor the warrant number, in the guise of ordinary citizens.
Meanwhile the man who took care of this distribution to the City of Palermo has been dismissed and was replaced by an official who has signed to determine the payment April 14, 2010 (but if money were not what signed?) after which she believed right, upset by the effort of a signature, to go on vacation for 15 days.
What happened to that money? What happened to our money? Why is this light that I would call almost criminal, to handle money intended for poor people suffering? Why
an ordinary citizen has no right to control inandempienza of Public Administration?
Public Administration that meaningless without the people.
state, regions, municipalities, just because there are living people. And who clocks in the stamping only thanks to the citizen.
I was advised to be patient and wait.
And my town (Villabate) has not yet received anything and employees, and officials are the targets to demonstrate continuous
and insults of angry citizens.
I can not 'wait. I contacted the editorial staff of Striscia la Notizia, The preparation of TGS, The Editor of "Special Outraged" ... and I have not been contacted by any of them.
The loneliness of people left alone to fight against Baroni government, which non si rendono conto che dietro le pratiche e dietro numeri di capitoli e mandati ci sono persone che aspettano, è
bruciante e devastante.
Non interessa a nessuno quello che avviene in Sicilia? Gli scandali e le inadempienze sono la regola? Chi si ingrassa alle spalle dei cittadini? Dove è lo Stato? Cosa fa lo Stato? Prima di aiutare i paese esteri e fare bella figura con quel cancro chiamato Unione Europea dovremmo occuparci di cio' che accade in casa nostra...
Stanca, stanchissima...
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Mucinex And Errections
Earning with Advertising Barre? My mother
Personalmente sono sempre stata contraria alle Barre Pubblicitarie (Cashbar). Dopo essersi iscritti, bisogna scaricarle ed ogni volta che si avviano bisogna inserire username e password ed in the presence of some code, otherwise you will not be "seen" and do not count the points that will be used to quantify the gain. Too tiring. And who assures me that in one of these steps are not advertising insert a virus, Trojan or any other
crap? So I've always done without without feel any lack. But .. one day a friend of ... experienced webmaster I recommend a simple one finger and I ruined excited by the simplicity and ease of this finger. I downloaded the program and
I bother to check with my antivirus. Clean.
Then I made a stupid request to the "Contact" and I received such a prompt response from Michael, then servizio assistenza al Top.
Infine niente username e niente password. Si apre un banner 468x60, quindi piccolo e facilmente spostabile. Si puo' accedere facilmente alla propria pagina ed i punti vengono cambiati in dollari ogni primo del mese. Come si fanno i punti? Lasciando la Barretta aperta e navigando normalmente, invitando amici, partecipando a giochi gratuiti, o cliccando altre pubblicità tipo Ptc per intenderci. Insomma è totalmente gratuita, non è per niente noiosa, è pulita, non è invasiva e permette un piccolo guadagno.
Come si chiama? Ops stavo dimenticando di dirti come si chiama... 20dollars2surf e accedendo devi solo inserire il tuo indirizzo email...piu' semplice than this' ...
PROVE TO BE VERY ... word of Rox.
Personalmente sono sempre stata contraria alle Barre Pubblicitarie (Cashbar). Dopo essersi iscritti, bisogna scaricarle ed ogni volta che si avviano bisogna inserire username e password ed in the presence of some code, otherwise you will not be "seen" and do not count the points that will be used to quantify the gain. Too tiring. And who assures me that in one of these steps are not advertising insert a virus, Trojan or any other
crap? So I've always done without without feel any lack. But .. one day a friend of ... experienced webmaster I recommend a simple one finger and I ruined excited by the simplicity and ease of this finger. I downloaded the program and
I bother to check with my antivirus. Clean.
Then I made a stupid request to the "Contact" and I received such a prompt response from Michael, then servizio assistenza al Top.
Infine niente username e niente password. Si apre un banner 468x60, quindi piccolo e facilmente spostabile. Si puo' accedere facilmente alla propria pagina ed i punti vengono cambiati in dollari ogni primo del mese. Come si fanno i punti? Lasciando la Barretta aperta e navigando normalmente, invitando amici, partecipando a giochi gratuiti, o cliccando altre pubblicità tipo Ptc per intenderci. Insomma è totalmente gratuita, non è per niente noiosa, è pulita, non è invasiva e permette un piccolo guadagno.
Come si chiama? Ops stavo dimenticando di dirti come si chiama... 20dollars2surf e accedendo devi solo inserire il tuo indirizzo email...piu' semplice than this' ...
PROVE TO BE VERY ... word of Rox.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
How Far Should A Couch Be From A Coffee Table
Ocean scent of the sea Rose of May
'Tis some day I ordered some beautiful starfish resin, to tell the truth after seeing the magnificent series of two dear friends on facebook, but the desire to create something at this time latita enormously but ... I am just a bit 'should I wear to work and ... Here
this series is dedicated to the desire of sea and holiday:
'Tis some day I ordered some beautiful starfish resin, to tell the truth after seeing the magnificent series of two dear friends on facebook, but the desire to create something at this time latita enormously but ... I am just a bit 'should I wear to work and ... Here
this series is dedicated to the desire of sea and holiday:
the background is what it is, I'm trying to learn to use "Photoshop Elements" but with poor results
Saturday, May 8, 2010
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As the appointment is renewed every year.
Tomorrow is Mother's Day. I have no more 'Mother, mother and I are not even a mother-in-law, I have no one to wish it ... It renews my pain for the mother who is no more. And I remember one of her last Mother's Day and his joy in preparing meals with sweet finish, all done by me. That day was his party and at least for that day did not have to deal with anything. His passion was Strawberries and Cream
and indulge me with fancy cakes worthy of the best pastries. Today there is no more 'none of this. I can only remember her with love and dedication
this poem by De Amicis I've always loved and always whenever I read it, it makes me move.
My Mother
(De Amicis)
Time does not always remove the beauty
sfioran or tears and my mother worries
sixty years and more
look, the more I seem nice.
not have an accent, a glance, a smile
that I softly touch your heart.
Ah, if I were a painter, I would make life
his portrait. I
retract when the face bow
because I kiss your white
her braid and when sick and weary,
hides her grief in a smile.
Ah, if my prayer to heaven was a welcomed
not ask the great painter of Urbino
the brush crown of glory divine
her pretty face. I wish I could change his life
with life, vigor
give all my years
I see me old and she ...
sacrifice my rejuvenated!
Happy Mom wherever you are,
I LOVE YOU and miss you so much.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
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Ninette and painting.
E 'in a small town in the province of Potenza, Francavilla on Sinni, Ninette discovers that the small age of about ten years, the overwhelming passion for painting. Passion that feeds into the narrow lanes of his village rich in history and hovers on the hills with plains, where the vegetation is lush.
But you know the vicissitudes of life do not always give you the opportunity to cultivate your passions and Ninette is also forced to shelve his dream called by the necessities of life.
But dreams and the talent but can not smother and kill the first
or later come back eager to be left free to express themselves. Ninette has come of age, married, gave birth to children, is mature enough to follow his vocation and continues to paint. But the hobby as a young girl began to fill his life and would like Dedicarcisi full time. But must live and then the solution is to monetize your passion. He wants to let everyone know about his work but it takes a lot of money. The art belongs to the elite. Only the rich can 'have dreams because who is normal can not' feed them. A page
Arts Mondadori costs a fortune and the review of a critic.
Ninette has participated in various exhibitions and has created a permanent exhibition in his country and is willing to send his work around the world.
loves painting and would like to share with the world what 'that's. How about we give you a hand?
You can see his works on GalassiaArte or its Blog where you will also find his contact details. In this age arid and meaningless give a hand to the culture that enriches the mind and soul.
E 'in a small town in the province of Potenza, Francavilla on Sinni, Ninette discovers that the small age of about ten years, the overwhelming passion for painting. Passion that feeds into the narrow lanes of his village rich in history and hovers on the hills with plains, where the vegetation is lush.
But you know the vicissitudes of life do not always give you the opportunity to cultivate your passions and Ninette is also forced to shelve his dream called by the necessities of life.
But dreams and the talent but can not smother and kill the first
or later come back eager to be left free to express themselves. Ninette has come of age, married, gave birth to children, is mature enough to follow his vocation and continues to paint. But the hobby as a young girl began to fill his life and would like Dedicarcisi full time. But must live and then the solution is to monetize your passion. He wants to let everyone know about his work but it takes a lot of money. The art belongs to the elite. Only the rich can 'have dreams because who is normal can not' feed them. A page
Arts Mondadori costs a fortune and the review of a critic.
Ninette has participated in various exhibitions and has created a permanent exhibition in his country and is willing to send his work around the world.
loves painting and would like to share with the world what 'that's. How about we give you a hand?
You can see his works on GalassiaArte or its Blog where you will also find his contact details. In this age arid and meaningless give a hand to the culture that enriches the mind and soul.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Dishwashing Rinsehealth
If you are unemployed ... Happy Labor Day ...
... today is the Feast of the worker or workers. According to Wikipedia
the Labour Day or Labor Day will highlight the commitment of the trade union movement and the achievements in the economic and social workers and is recognized in many countries around the world but not all. More exactly, it means workers often remember the battles in the conquest of a very specific right: the daily working time shall be eight hours. It originated in the United States and in Italy during the fascist period was deleted and then restored after World War II.
But today? What is the point today in Italy
's day job? Oh yeah ... this year falls on a Saturday and then holiday weekend holiday ... but from what? 8% of the Italian population is unemployed, 25% are seeking their first jobs, 30% are housewives who are not even for the holiday Labor Day ... and then I ask myself: Who the hell is this party for?
Ah ... stupid ... I forgot ... the feast of work affects all those civil servants who are hard at work on their desks and struggling to perform "other duties" during their working hours as when the circles are always "outside room" ... concerned ministers interested in the courts ... ... ... interested in astronauts
I do not care ... I do not celebrate it ... I have nothing to celebrate ... I'm unemployed ... and the state does not protect me ... even ditching me, I have 52 years and are not for sale despite the My experience ...
no laws I protect ... and even those who invented this stupid FESTIVAL protect me. And according to the Constitution that all a bit 'mentioning the Lord's Prayer as the' Italy is a republic founded on work. What a joke ... Labor Day ... May Day Festival of the People ... unemployed ...
... today is the Feast of the worker or workers. According to Wikipedia
the Labour Day or Labor Day will highlight the commitment of the trade union movement and the achievements in the economic and social workers and is recognized in many countries around the world but not all. More exactly, it means workers often remember the battles in the conquest of a very specific right: the daily working time shall be eight hours. It originated in the United States and in Italy during the fascist period was deleted and then restored after World War II.
But today? What is the point today in Italy
's day job? Oh yeah ... this year falls on a Saturday and then holiday weekend holiday ... but from what? 8% of the Italian population is unemployed, 25% are seeking their first jobs, 30% are housewives who are not even for the holiday Labor Day ... and then I ask myself: Who the hell is this party for?
Ah ... stupid ... I forgot ... the feast of work affects all those civil servants who are hard at work on their desks and struggling to perform "other duties" during their working hours as when the circles are always "outside room" ... concerned ministers interested in the courts ... ... ... interested in astronauts
I do not care ... I do not celebrate it ... I have nothing to celebrate ... I'm unemployed ... and the state does not protect me ... even ditching me, I have 52 years and are not for sale despite the My experience ...
no laws I protect ... and even those who invented this stupid FESTIVAL protect me. And according to the Constitution that all a bit 'mentioning the Lord's Prayer as the' Italy is a republic founded on work. What a joke ... Labor Day ... May Day Festival of the People ... unemployed ...
Friday, April 23, 2010
How Do You Get A Golden Puffle
Received Payment from PTC New Italian The Italian portal. Payment must be received
deserves a special mention this brand new PTC site, The Italian portal . As a brand new site, but rather as an organization because they belong to the famous circuit PtcPubliweb, already on the market for some years.
In their accuracy and reliability have not been denied even this time. The payout is $ 1 free for members and to 0.50 cents for premium members. The upgrade is convenient: it has a very low cost and with considerable advantages. This is a site to keep in your portfolio along with her sister PtcPubbliweb . So as I said I requested the first payment and I received it in 48 hours on my Paypal account.
You can subscribe with confidence and promote your Referral. Registration is free and if I can give you a hint just now found a Referral make the upgrade, that is passed to the next level. Also, if
have a blog or a site or want to advertise your Referral of other PTC is included here exchange visits. As they say: Kill two birds with one stone?
Proof of payment I received you can view the payment section of this blog.
If you want to subscribe and listen to me you can do here:
deserves a special mention this brand new PTC site, The Italian portal . As a brand new site, but rather as an organization because they belong to the famous circuit PtcPubliweb, already on the market for some years.
In their accuracy and reliability have not been denied even this time. The payout is $ 1 free for members and to 0.50 cents for premium members. The upgrade is convenient: it has a very low cost and with considerable advantages. This is a site to keep in your portfolio along with her sister PtcPubbliweb . So as I said I requested the first payment and I received it in 48 hours on my Paypal account.
You can subscribe with confidence and promote your Referral. Registration is free and if I can give you a hint just now found a Referral make the upgrade, that is passed to the next level. Also, if
have a blog or a site or want to advertise your Referral of other PTC is included here exchange visits. As they say: Kill two birds with one stone?
Proof of payment I received you can view the payment section of this blog.
If you want to subscribe and listen to me you can do here:
Can You Have A Hard Cervix And Be Pregnant
Gagabux ... A Social
.... Finally I did. It 'been a bit' hard but were ultimately paid. Accustomed to the immediacy of Neobux and based on comments made by Internet users on the Web Gagabux I thought it would behave the same way as Neobux for immediate payment. I requested payout on the first day until April 8 and 21 still had not received anything. Fortunately, this is a forum where I post my disappointment. And finally, yesterday I received a payout on my Paypal account. Hope has been a momentary snag due to the fact that it was the first
and I hope that subsequent payments are made more quickly. However, I intend to continue and to be able to extend my list of Top.
Proof of payment you will see the Payments section of this blog along with other payments received from other PTC.
If you want to try it you can subscribe here:
.... Finally I did. It 'been a bit' hard but were ultimately paid. Accustomed to the immediacy of Neobux and based on comments made by Internet users on the Web Gagabux I thought it would behave the same way as Neobux for immediate payment. I requested payout on the first day until April 8 and 21 still had not received anything. Fortunately, this is a forum where I post my disappointment. And finally, yesterday I received a payout on my Paypal account. Hope has been a momentary snag due to the fact that it was the first
and I hope that subsequent payments are made more quickly. However, I intend to continue and to be able to extend my list of Top.
Proof of payment you will see the Payments section of this blog along with other payments received from other PTC.
If you want to try it you can subscribe here:
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Zoophilia Beastiality
in piu '... Young & Young
Young & Young Luckily there happened thanks to a virtual friend. It 'was the best thing that has fatto in questo ultimo mese. Youn&Young è un Social Network (Sulla scia di Facebook) che ha una marcia in piu'. Per tutto cio' che fai, per qualunque contatto o iniziativa prendi come postare un articolo, pubblicare un video o una foto, invitare amici, creare gruppi, su Young&Young vieni ricompensato con un punteggio che puo' essere convertito in regali o denaro contante (in euro). Il sito è totalmente in Italiano ed
è gestito da un italiano. L'amministratore è
sempre presente in Chat, si... c'è anche una Chat per comunicare in diretta con chi ti piace, e modera le intemperanze of those who would exaggerate. You also have the ability to create your page with graphics of your choice and put banners on your profile.
The environment is peaceful and dare I say even
stylish without being mannered. E 'frequented by people of all ages. I dare say as a social phenomenon that puts parents and children agree.
addition there is also the possibility of creating a free email address directly on the site.
So what do you want more '? Write, read, talk, games, flirt, make new friends, get rewarded ... what more do you want '?
Come on, join me for not being lazy Young & Young

Young & Young Luckily there happened thanks to a virtual friend. It 'was the best thing that has fatto in questo ultimo mese. Youn&Young è un Social Network (Sulla scia di Facebook) che ha una marcia in piu'. Per tutto cio' che fai, per qualunque contatto o iniziativa prendi come postare un articolo, pubblicare un video o una foto, invitare amici, creare gruppi, su Young&Young vieni ricompensato con un punteggio che puo' essere convertito in regali o denaro contante (in euro). Il sito è totalmente in Italiano ed
è gestito da un italiano. L'amministratore è
sempre presente in Chat, si... c'è anche una Chat per comunicare in diretta con chi ti piace, e modera le intemperanze of those who would exaggerate. You also have the ability to create your page with graphics of your choice and put banners on your profile.
The environment is peaceful and dare I say even
stylish without being mannered. E 'frequented by people of all ages. I dare say as a social phenomenon that puts parents and children agree.
addition there is also the possibility of creating a free email address directly on the site.
So what do you want more '? Write, read, talk, games, flirt, make new friends, get rewarded ... what more do you want '?
Come on, join me for not being lazy Young & Young
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Modern Dance Costumes 2010
TOP FIVE. The absolute best PTC on the Web
Series, timely and fast. You can upgrade with confidence will not disappear with your money. Links
arrive daily on a regular basis and payments are made quickly, almost in real time. Unfortunately
Milestones in the history of PTC as PayPerUse, Thegoldenmail, Masterclick, and various PtrAnnunci Bux, have had their day. Too long for payments. Too slowly in click and in some cases
subscribed to sponsor sites, otherwise non-payment of the payout.
who loses time to click him for making money and so 'it is right to keep only those who "earn". I hope someday to be able to compile a TOP TEN ... well surely early compiler 'a Top Ten for the moment there will have to settle the five best PTC sites on the web. Best for speed, punctuality, customer service, immediate response to email, chat and support forum.
Series, timely and fast. You can upgrade with confidence will not disappear with your money. Links
arrive daily on a regular basis and payments are made quickly, almost in real time. Unfortunately
Milestones in the history of PTC as PayPerUse, Thegoldenmail, Masterclick, and various PtrAnnunci Bux, have had their day. Too long for payments. Too slowly in click and in some cases
subscribed to sponsor sites, otherwise non-payment of the payout.
who loses time to click him for making money and so 'it is right to keep only those who "earn". I hope someday to be able to compile a TOP TEN ... well surely early compiler 'a Top Ten for the moment there will have to settle the five best PTC sites on the web. Best for speed, punctuality, customer service, immediate response to email, chat and support forum.
Top Five PTC
Payout free 10. Gold 2
Approximately 15 links per day
Progressive Payout
About 4 links per day
Payout $ 16 could have been collected in various ways including
phone cards. Link to about 5 days
Payout Free 1 usd, Gold 0.10
Approximately 15 links per day
free Payout 2 usd
About 5 links per day
Good job
Saturday, April 10, 2010
What Is Half Head Highlights?
Payment by ClickMonster
After the first disappointing 1% free and as a member after buying the third-level spending of $ 4.90, reached payout di 51 dollari il 23 marzo ho richiesto il pagamento con il coltello in mezzo ai denti pronta a dare battaglia se non fosse stato piu' che soddisfacente. Circa un ora fa nel controllare la mia posta ho avuto la gradita sorpresa di aver ricevuto un pagamento da ClickMonster nella misura di 8 dollari.
In pratica una percentuale di pagamento di circa il 16% ed avendone spesi 4,90 un ricavo di circa 3 dollari. Tuttosommato pensavo
di peggio.
La prova non è stata negativa. Il terzo livello mi scadrà tra 8 giorni. Prima di richiedere il prossimo payout comprero' il quarto ed ultimo livello. E vedremo cosa succederà.
ClickMonster paga in percentuale perchè divide i proventi del sito con tutti i membri che hanno fatto Upgrade and the remainder distributed to members free
that touches a figure of 1%.
You can view the receipt of Paypal Payments section of this blog.
If you want to try and sign up you can do it here: CLICK MONSTER
After the first disappointing 1% free and as a member after buying the third-level spending of $ 4.90, reached payout di 51 dollari il 23 marzo ho richiesto il pagamento con il coltello in mezzo ai denti pronta a dare battaglia se non fosse stato piu' che soddisfacente. Circa un ora fa nel controllare la mia posta ho avuto la gradita sorpresa di aver ricevuto un pagamento da ClickMonster nella misura di 8 dollari.
In pratica una percentuale di pagamento di circa il 16% ed avendone spesi 4,90 un ricavo di circa 3 dollari. Tuttosommato pensavo
di peggio.
La prova non è stata negativa. Il terzo livello mi scadrà tra 8 giorni. Prima di richiedere il prossimo payout comprero' il quarto ed ultimo livello. E vedremo cosa succederà.
ClickMonster paga in percentuale perchè divide i proventi del sito con tutti i membri che hanno fatto Upgrade and the remainder distributed to members free
that touches a figure of 1%.
You can view the receipt of Paypal Payments section of this blog.
If you want to try and sign up you can do it here: CLICK MONSTER
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Can I Use Aveeno On My Tattoo
A snake named Ana Adina
A snake that I kept at home for a month. A month of freedom and the house available.
Assumption test to take care of my father and great sacrifice by paying them a salary divided with his brothers. A share also to me that I had finally found a part time job after three years of sacrifices.
A girl of 25 years, Romanian, his face Angel. A husband (at least according to his stories)
and a girl in Romania. Good, good, kind, active and available.
Too good, too active, too smart, too available.
He rummaged in my drawers. He turned my room like a sock. He looked everywhere and this morning at 9.30 am enjoying my father was in the bathroom and fled, leaving the door ajar and putting at risk the safety of my octogenarian father and invalid.
fled like a thief, having stolen and taken away more than the salary given to her on time,
a digital camera, a phone by LG, a necklace of precious stones, a cosmetic bag of tricks and stolen from € 80 drawer of my father. This is the first estimate of a quick inventory.
I called the police and pressed charges.
I hope that it deserves to be punished by God and by men the value of the material of what 'that has taken away there is stealing the trust of those who had welcomed her home. My father suffered a major disappointment at being cheated and I hope that this' should not affect their status because they are nothing that big bitch I swear if I read you or someone that criminals often, I swear that if this were your actions have consequences about his health and my father anything happens, I swear I'll find top of the world and as is true God, the God in whom you believe and who falsely prayed, te la farei pagare dovessi impiegarci tutta la vita.
Questa è stata la mia giornata del Giovedi' Santo. Logicamente il lavoro che avevo trovato sono costretta a lasciarlo, grazie alla disonestà di Ana Adina.
Attenti agli stranieri, specialmente rumeni tutti ladri e disonesti. Attenti agli stranieri protetti da politici di sinistra a cui interessano per una manciata di voti. Sono diventata razzista.
A snake that I kept at home for a month. A month of freedom and the house available.
Assumption test to take care of my father and great sacrifice by paying them a salary divided with his brothers. A share also to me that I had finally found a part time job after three years of sacrifices.
A girl of 25 years, Romanian, his face Angel. A husband (at least according to his stories)
and a girl in Romania. Good, good, kind, active and available.
Too good, too active, too smart, too available.
He rummaged in my drawers. He turned my room like a sock. He looked everywhere and this morning at 9.30 am enjoying my father was in the bathroom and fled, leaving the door ajar and putting at risk the safety of my octogenarian father and invalid.
fled like a thief, having stolen and taken away more than the salary given to her on time,
a digital camera, a phone by LG, a necklace of precious stones, a cosmetic bag of tricks and stolen from € 80 drawer of my father. This is the first estimate of a quick inventory.
I called the police and pressed charges.
I hope that it deserves to be punished by God and by men the value of the material of what 'that has taken away there is stealing the trust of those who had welcomed her home. My father suffered a major disappointment at being cheated and I hope that this' should not affect their status because they are nothing that big bitch I swear if I read you or someone that criminals often, I swear that if this were your actions have consequences about his health and my father anything happens, I swear I'll find top of the world and as is true God, the God in whom you believe and who falsely prayed, te la farei pagare dovessi impiegarci tutta la vita.
Questa è stata la mia giornata del Giovedi' Santo. Logicamente il lavoro che avevo trovato sono costretta a lasciarlo, grazie alla disonestà di Ana Adina.
Attenti agli stranieri, specialmente rumeni tutti ladri e disonesti. Attenti agli stranieri protetti da politici di sinistra a cui interessano per una manciata di voti. Sono diventata razzista.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Can Ingesting Poppy Seeds Harmful
What a life ...
...è questa mia? Non si puo' lottare e penare per tutta una vita...devo essere proprio stata una stronza e chissà che male ho fatto nelle precedenti vite...per avere un
Karma cosi' pesante.
Pesante come un macigno, as steel chain ...
My life will be different .... WHEN? When I am too old to enjoy it? I
52 years ... CAXXO when to change? WHEN?
Fortune spins? But who knows what kind of turns ago ... why do not you pick me but just never ever ....
Tired ... tired ... But dying is not a solution if I did not assume my Karma
my next life will be an exact copy of this ....
...è questa mia? Non si puo' lottare e penare per tutta una vita...devo essere proprio stata una stronza e chissà che male ho fatto nelle precedenti vite...per avere un
Karma cosi' pesante.
Pesante come un macigno, as steel chain ...
My life will be different .... WHEN? When I am too old to enjoy it? I
52 years ... CAXXO when to change? WHEN?
Fortune spins? But who knows what kind of turns ago ... why do not you pick me but just never ever ....
Tired ... tired ... But dying is not a solution if I did not assume my Karma
my next life will be an exact copy of this ....
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