Thursday, February 26, 2009

French Country Curtain Ideas

Integration of older

Anno: Università: Relatore:
2007-08 Università degli Studi di Bari Michele Indellicato
Area: Faculty: Course:
Educational Sciences Education Science and training
Contemporary society is subject to constant change especially in economic terms. Western societies are thus faced with issues related to "common decency". The improvement of living conditions have indeed filed the disparities of the past, but have also led to new knowledge of issues related to new needs, such as concerns sugli anziani. L’inarrestabile progresso tecnologico e scientifico hanno determinato l’aumento dell’età media della popolazione e si è sentita l’esigenza di ripristinare l’assetto ordina mentale della stessa società. Anche in famiglia avviene una trasformazione: da famiglia patriarcale di un tempo, quella in cui l’anziano rappresentava il perno della stessa struttura, la persona che tramandava non solo mestieri, ma anche esperienze di vita, diventa oggi famiglia nucleare, quella in cui i coniugi (quindi il nucleo) vivono crisi sia economica sia sentimentale e l’anziano in questa famiglia veste un ruolo di ospite nella casa di uno dei propri figli.
Ci si chiede quindi come si possa gestire tale cambiamento social. Unfortunately there is no single answer, a universal recipe that would allow social scientists to solve the different situations prevailing within different social contexts. To advance a possible solution must take into account the historical and cultural components of a situation that often seems full of emotional rather than rational factors.
Focusing in Italy is reflected as reflection on the type sull'anziano that concept that the elderly have of themselves and those around him. Elder referred to is the person who is going to take the 70 years that is now cut off from the business, in particular, and social, in general, therefore no longer considered a productive resource, but rather old, useless, cumbersome, unnecessary.
You may re-evaluate this category also dusting off old social traditions in which the elderly person was considered to be the wiser.
E 'peculiar as in a society like ours, where the birth rate is declining and the rising number of older, we tend to design more in favor of children at the expense of the elderly. That is likely to aggravate a problem that needs special attention instead.
Moving toward the elderly means not only growth but also the common cultural and economic through better redistribution of wealth to new requirements.
This work begins with a preliminary question as to who is now the elder, who was in the past, in different cultures, what are his fears and his needs. As a still very preliminary but we felt the need to explore in general the concept of person, bringing the thought of the philosopher Mounier, who developed a personal theory in order to ensure that anyone opposed to collectivist or an individualistic vision, becomes mere object of manipulation. The analysis continues with a contextualization of the elderly in the current era in different social contexts, family, religion, intermediate bodies, highlighting how its desirable integration leads to improve their conditions and those around him. Having shed light on possible factors contributing to this positive change, we pass legal analysis and the responses that the institutions are trying to prepare. Crucial point is the institutionalization of old age. In the latter part of the work was carried out a survey showing what and how many problems facing the elderly in a nursing home.


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