Thursday, February 26, 2009

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Promoting wellness in nursing homes

Year: University: Rapporteur:
2003-04 University of Bergamo Paride Braibanti
Area: Facoltà: Corso:
Scienze dell'Educazione Scienze dell'educazione
Today in Italy the issue of seniority seems to become increasingly central in the medical-care but many times we forget the fact that older people are people with needs and desires of important psychological and social significance.
Dementias and physical problems that lead to non-self-sufficiency not enough to explain the lack of attention that sometimes arises with intimacy and relationships of people in nursing homes (RSA).
My concept was born from the work carried out at a large RSA Bergamo. I have touched on subjects such as: organizational and institutional dimension, the mink around the illness and treatment, the elderly, animation, communication, family. I also proposed a practical model for identifying the needs / desires of the elderly, showing a practical example of qualitative research on an interview.

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Elderly, identity and narrative

Year: University: Rapporteur:
2003-04 University of Insubria Claudio Bonvecchio
Area: Faculty: Course :
Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences communication
The age and being old are commonly associated with the image of the man who walks or reached the end of his life.
In fact, today, improving the quality of living conditions and hygiene, the evolution of medical disciplines and scientific ones, allowed to significantly extend the life prospects, turning what was the final phase of existence, in often a period of nearly twenty years' duration.
In this period, the action of changes in status or social behaviors and the onset of disease, could make the man a "person without a personality." The attitude of
society in respect of the 'old age' than in the past has, in recent decades, changed, altering the ratio of individuals with their own traditions and culture of belonging, leaving an empty man "identity."
The emergence of New Age practices, so fashionable gathered legions of followers, is the expression of the need to bridge this gap, finding ancestral signs of their existence.
Man, post-modern view of the whole, however, is committed in the search for deep roots, so remote as to escape, at times, even the memory of the living. Old age in today
is very different from that of the past and should therefore be divided into two distinct periods, that of "seniority" in which man is an active and present in the community of belonging, and that of the 'advanced old age "in which, Because of the onset of illness or disabling event, the person is deprived of the opportunity to take active roles in society.
In the latter condition and especially if in need of care and no longer self-sufficient, the old is removed from having to be the guardian of experiences and values, because it no longer considered capable of transmitting and teach their knowledge and converted so subject to 'social' to 'object' of social concern.
The author of this thesis has included the following keywords:

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Active Ageing Seniors

Year: University: Rapporteur:
2007-08 University of Messina Francesca Ruggeri
Area: Faculty: Course:
of Education Education Science and Training
The work is based on the analysis of issues related to education rducative the elderly. It begins with the description of the physical decline and then drops to the psychological and relational.
The old "geek" is a consolidated reality of our times, and to make sure that questo non avvenga è necessario mettere in luce gli aspetti positivi della vecchiaia; essere vecchi non significa aver raggiunto il termine della vita, al contrario, la terza età se affrontata con l'animo giusto può tramutarsi in una fase produttiva e socializzata della vita, diventando esempio anche per i giovani. Il tempo libero degli anziani può essere impiegato in attività ludico-creative e tra queste oggi stanno prendendo piede le UTE (Università della terza età). L'ultima parte della tesi descrive l'esperienza vissuta dalla sottoscritta (in chiave socio-politica e demografica) nell'"Aula de Mayores" presso l'Università di Huelva (Andalucia-Espana) in cui ha svolto il presente lavoro grazie al progetto Erasmus.

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self-sufficient - they have access to services

Year: University: Rapporteur:
2001-02 Catholic University of Sacro Cuore di Milano Marion Dent
Area: Faculty: Corso:
Scienze della Formazione Scienze dell'Educazione
I tried to deepen the study on the condition of elderly dependents and services to which they have access.
Today the average life of the population is extended and therefore has shifted the age at which you are considered seniors, the elderly must accept the new condition of life with balance and serenity. Elder's afraid of retirement because it excludes from social isolation and condemnation.
services for the elderly are a meeting place where they can socialize, share experiences with personhe that have the same needs. Services for elderly people living alone are una ragione di vita quotidiana, un appuntamento fisso giornaliero per uscire dalla solitudine e dall'isolamento.
L'anziano autosufficiente può aderire a servizi di volontariato per sentirsi ancora utile per la società.

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Integration of older

Anno: Università: Relatore:
2007-08 Università degli Studi di Bari Michele Indellicato
Area: Faculty: Course:
Educational Sciences Education Science and training
Contemporary society is subject to constant change especially in economic terms. Western societies are thus faced with issues related to "common decency". The improvement of living conditions have indeed filed the disparities of the past, but have also led to new knowledge of issues related to new needs, such as concerns sugli anziani. L’inarrestabile progresso tecnologico e scientifico hanno determinato l’aumento dell’età media della popolazione e si è sentita l’esigenza di ripristinare l’assetto ordina mentale della stessa società. Anche in famiglia avviene una trasformazione: da famiglia patriarcale di un tempo, quella in cui l’anziano rappresentava il perno della stessa struttura, la persona che tramandava non solo mestieri, ma anche esperienze di vita, diventa oggi famiglia nucleare, quella in cui i coniugi (quindi il nucleo) vivono crisi sia economica sia sentimentale e l’anziano in questa famiglia veste un ruolo di ospite nella casa di uno dei propri figli.
Ci si chiede quindi come si possa gestire tale cambiamento social. Unfortunately there is no single answer, a universal recipe that would allow social scientists to solve the different situations prevailing within different social contexts. To advance a possible solution must take into account the historical and cultural components of a situation that often seems full of emotional rather than rational factors.
Focusing in Italy is reflected as reflection on the type sull'anziano that concept that the elderly have of themselves and those around him. Elder referred to is the person who is going to take the 70 years that is now cut off from the business, in particular, and social, in general, therefore no longer considered a productive resource, but rather old, useless, cumbersome, unnecessary.
You may re-evaluate this category also dusting off old social traditions in which the elderly person was considered to be the wiser.
E 'peculiar as in a society like ours, where the birth rate is declining and the rising number of older, we tend to design more in favor of children at the expense of the elderly. That is likely to aggravate a problem that needs special attention instead.
Moving toward the elderly means not only growth but also the common cultural and economic through better redistribution of wealth to new requirements.
This work begins with a preliminary question as to who is now the elder, who was in the past, in different cultures, what are his fears and his needs. As a still very preliminary but we felt the need to explore in general the concept of person, bringing the thought of the philosopher Mounier, who developed a personal theory in order to ensure that anyone opposed to collectivist or an individualistic vision, becomes mere object of manipulation. The analysis continues with a contextualization of the elderly in the current era in different social contexts, family, religion, intermediate bodies, highlighting how its desirable integration leads to improve their conditions and those around him. Having shed light on possible factors contributing to this positive change, we pass legal analysis and the responses that the institutions are trying to prepare. Crucial point is the institutionalization of old age. In the latter part of the work was carried out a survey showing what and how many problems facing the elderly in a nursing home.

Friday, February 20, 2009

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The February 27 meeting of 'ALIS

On February 27, 2009, from 16.00 at the Rome City Hall 6, in Torre Annunziata No. 1, fifth floor, will be held the shareholders' meeting ALIS.
Call the Friends of the ostomy Lazio who read this blog to intervene to 'meeting, we finally conoscerci, e potrete rappresentarci i Vostri problemi.
Dal numero delle visite vedo che siete in molti a leggere il blog, questo conferma la necessità che gli stomizzati hanno di avere notizie ed informazioni, ma un blog è un surrogato di ciò che si può apprendere di persona, nulla può sostituire lo scambio di esperienze, di informazioni, di indicazioni utili che avvengono dal " VIVO " con altre persone che vivono la medesima esperienza.
Abbiamo delle rivendicazioni da portare avanti nei confronti delle Istituzioni, delle battaglie da condurre; potremmo farlo con buone possibilità di riuscita soltanto se saremo in molti a far sentire le nostri voci...
Ricordo a coloro che desiderassero ulteriori informazioni che possono contact me at 'e-mail address:
Greetings to All

Monday, February 16, 2009

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Chronically ill gaps between public and private costs

pay from his own pocket the shortcomings of the national health service and daily struggle with bureaucracy to get what ensured at public. This is the photograph of the city suffering from chronic and rare diseases that emerge from the eighth report on the policies of chronicity ( is online to download the document ) "The Cost of Rights", presented today in Rome by the National Coordination of patient Chronic-Active Citizenship, which consists of 140 organizations. Costs: Each month, the chronically ill spend over € 1700, among caregivers, farmaci, protesi.
Secondo gli ultimi dati Istat 2008, a soffrire di almeno una patologia cronica in Italia è il 39,2% dei residenti e il 20,5% dichiara di essere affetto da due o più malattie croniche. Questa percentuale sale notevolmente quando si passa alla fascia anziana della popolazione: l'86,9% degli ultrasettantacinquenni soffre di almeno una malattia cronica e il 68,3% di due o più. Le malattie croniche più diffuse sono nell'ordine: artrosi/artrite (17,9%), ipertensione (15,8%), malattie allergiche (10,6%), osteoporosi (7,3%), bronchite cronica e asma bronchiale (6,4%), diabete (4%). Per quanto riguarda le malattie rare, stime ufficiali parlano di circa 30 milioni di people with rare diseases in the European Union; in Italy have received a formal recognition of 284 rare diseases.
To heal, the chronically ill in Italy claim substantial private costs to make up for what is not guaranteed by a public service and work daily tussle with the bureaucracy to get how much is recognized by law and by the NHS. The average monthly expenditure incurred by the patient and his family is € 1760, led by the costs related to caregivers, which amount to 986 € per month.
In terms of pharmaceutical care, 50% of the Associations of chronically ill patients indicates the lack of access to necessary medicines and irreplaceable for the treatment of the disease, while 33% report regional differences, but also between local health authorities in the same region, for access to medicines, 53% report lack of access to farmacinecessari for the prevention and control of complications, compared with 20% of the associations which declares the existence of differences in access to land. All these difficulties mean that patients, as reported by 43% of the associations, should support private costs for the purchase of drugs for the treatment and / or control of complications of the disease is not guaranteed by the National Health Service. These are the proposals of
include forms of participation of civic organizations in decision-making. For example: setting up a permanent body at the INPS Consultation consists of representatives of civic organizations that can comment on existing critical and make suggestions for improvement. A similar body could be set up at the AIFA to improve access to medicines, and even organizations should be involved in the monitoring of Lea in the region with plans to return;
provide a channel for priority booking of services aimed at monitoring chronic diseases; Lea
include in the performance needed for the treatment of pain and palliative care for patients with chronic non-cancer;
revise and supplement the list of debilitating chronic diseases and the list of rare diseases;
review Tariff Nomenclature of the prosthesis and ensure quality, innovation and personalization;
ensure access to medicines for C band, innovative, orphans, Pharmaceuticals, food supplements, indispensable and irreplaceable for the care and management of complications of chronic diseases and rare currently borne by the public and simultaneously simplifying the rules for the marketing of drugs and, in particular, those for rare diseases;
to fully implement the Law 80/2006 which exempts certain categories of monitoring visits by the chronically ill to annual verification of the existence of the state of disability and revise / supplement the list of categories of chronically ill patients who receive tale legge.L'annuale edizione del Rapporto sulle politiche della cronicità mette in rilievo le difficoltà di accesso ai servizi socio-sanitari per circa 23 milioni di italiani. Quasi il 57% delle associazioni afferma che il diritto all'accesso è per nulla o poco rispettato, il 40% dice che lo è parzialmente e soltanto il 3% afferma che esso è totalmente rispettato. Le conseguenze? Disastrose sui portafogli e sulla salute: ben l'83% dice che la conseguenza è l'aumento dei costi privati, per l'80% aumentano le complicanze della malattia e ben il 70% denuncia un conseguente peggioramento dello stato di salute.
È soprattutto la burocrazia a far da ostacolo nell'accesso ai servizi socio-sanitari: circa il 77% delle associazioni who participated in the report showed that this is largely critical. In particular, the bureaucracy affects in access to pharmaceuticals, health care (with waiting lists), the issuance and renewal of disability aids and hearing aids.
More than half of the associations (about 57%) had difficulty also in obtaining the socio-economic benefits provided by law, in particular, denounced the lack of access to: attendance allowance (47% of associations), civil recognition of disability and disability (37%), limited the exemption criteria (33%), lack of recognition of exemption code (30%) and signage and road tax exemption (30%).
inadequate and the provision of local health services (nursing homes, home care, long term care, rehabilitation) for which 57% of organizations reported difficulties in access. The same percentage figures have denounced the lack of social welfare (eg carers), in 46% of cases by a lack of tertiary referral center. A true chimera also psychological assistance, with 77% of organizations report they missed. Yet, as we tell the member associations to Cnamc, to handle the psychological stress for these patients and their families is remarkable, but it does not give the NHS almost no response.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

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15 managers of pharmacies and health appear before the court

For years, the Regional Associations, helped by FAIS, fighting episodes, sometimes sparse, requests for economic contribution by the pharmacists or health conditions for the distribution of the ostomy. The problem was encountered was that most of the reluctance of ostomy verbally denouncing the fact the association but it never did, much less writing to the competent authorities. Associations, without a valid complaint could not help but to ask the retailer concerned, often yielding vague answers or denial. Finally, the AMSI, a small association of Molise has managed to convince the ostomy to report the fact and from what it has come a real investigation of the NAS with the consequences in the following article.

fraud and bribery: the bar five pharmacists
There are also 5 Termoli Termoli pharmacists from 19 pharmacies and health managers in the Molise region appear before the court for the preliminary hearing on 18 February. They demanded money from patients in exchange for the prosthesis, which by law must be given away for free and paid for by local health authorities, drawing on the company health and then cashing in twice as expected. Had been reported by Nas after some checks from the complaint of the patients.
Termoli. They are accused of fraud against the State, extortion and disruption public service, five pharmacists Termoli that next February 18 will appear before a judge for the preliminary hearing, which will assess whether the evidence supported the prosecutor is likely to send the accused to trial. The investigation of the NAS Carabinieri, with blatant complaints - around 19 in Molise by owners of pharmacies and health - was announced last February. Everything had gone through the complaints of patients and according to the reconstructions carried out by the military have demanded money from suspects in exchange for patient prosthetic that by law must be given away for free and paid for by local health authorities, drawing on the company health and then cashing in twice the expected . According to the charge the suspects refused to provide free prosthetic materials in patients with serious diseases such as colostomy, bilateral ureterocutaneostomia, prostate cancer and bladder, and other demanding illicit payments. E 'was found that depending on the circumstances, demanded or received undue and substantial additions of money, corresponded to a quantity less than prosthesis forcing the persons entitled to buy them at their own expense also require reimbursement to the Company an undue limitation on the entire health medical care, without removing the amount paid by patients. In some cases even refused delivery of the goods where those eligible refused to pay what workers would have had freely received.
(Pubblicato il 05/02/2009)