Monday, January 31, 2011

Waxing Games And Salon



Giovedi 27 gennaio Il Comitato Elba Sanità ha incontrato la Direzione dell’Azienda Usl 6 Livorno.
E’ stata per noi una data importante poiché l’incontro è stato sollecitato dalla Direzione stessa che ha voluto ascoltare le nostre argomentazioni sulla sanità elbana. La nostra azione a difesa della qualità delle prestazioni sanitarie a favore dei cittadini elbani,  in un  contesto di profonda riorganizzazione  di tutti servizi sia ospedalieri che territoriali dettati da una più moderna ed efficace metodologia di intervento, ma soprattutto dall’esigenza di razionalizzare le spese in presenza di sempre minori risorse, ha avuto ampio riconoscimento sia da parte dell’opinione pubblica che   delle Istituzioni locali nonché da chi sta direttamente operando per realizzare  questi mutamenti  divenuti per noi del tutto epocali.

A questo proposito abbiamo sempre sostenuto che la nostra lotta  indirizzata ad ottenere il massimo risultato possibile aveva lo scopo di aprire un dialogo costruttivo anche con la  general direction that the main responsibility in the management of health on its area of \u200b\u200bjurisdiction.
on some general matters we found convergence of ideas, while on others there were certainly differences of opinion. However, we have reaffirmed that the common thread that links all the critical aspects of the system is the endemic lack of staff. There was often argued that the island was for professionals refuse to accept the engagement. This phenomenon will need to deeply investigate the involvement of all those potentially responsible.

Elba The prospect that health care should be increasingly integrated into the overall network of hospital services, outpatient and local business taking advantage of every possible excellence and professional equipment available, you a need that was recognized by both, as has been indicated the need to make an effective osmosis across the medical and nursing staff between different business structures to improve the 'efficiency of services, taking into account that the quantity of operations performed is the best guarantee to ensure the highest possible quality. For us, the new corporate structure may be functional departments in order that if the focus on our island will be maintained at peak level. However, we stressed the need on our territory must be carried out and ensuring all performance standards that do not require special skills to avoid the inevitable economic and material hardships involving trips to the continent.

We also expressed to Dr. Calamai, the Health Director Dr. Lavazza e a tutti gli altri Dirigenti presenti, le criticità che secondo noi  affliggono i diversi reparti o aree di intervento.
La nuova Area materno infantile, collocata in un solo corridoio ha spazi ridotti e produce disagi e possibili pericoli nelle tre sezioni di ostetricia, neonatologia e pediatria. Durante il turno notturno vi sono solo due operatori, per noi insufficienti per fornire  una efficace assistenza a tutta l’Area. Non abbiamo ottenuto risposte e ci è stato ribadito che solo due infermiere di notte sono sufficienti.
Sull’Area  materno infantile continueremo dunque a batterci. Ci hanno comunque confermato, per quanto compete the Executive Board and the Region, the maintenance point of birth, despite only two hundred births a year.

The Department of Medicine, also pending the completion of community hospital and hospice, for the importance it holds, it certainly kept at least in the current size and quality; We hope that Dr. Vecce, retired, being replaced by a professional high-level provides new powers in addition to existing ones, already perceived as relevant. Although the primary will be formally abolished, we expect Responsible for the future has the power and ability to continue the work of those who preceded him. On this we had no definitive answers, but we felt that the intention could be this one. We will monitor and evaluate the final resolutions.

The Department of Orthopedic Surgery and must continue to operate as it has done so far to routine interventions such as hip replacement, we have been assured that this continues to future.

Radiology and Anesthesia suffers more than other realities of lack of medical specialists, they said that they are being built by dell'Estav (Wide Area responsible for the acquisition of personnel and instruments of various types) competitions and lists to supplement the team of Radiologists and anesthetists. We will try to ask in appropriate ways the ESTAVAR and regional government because it is done as soon as possible. While waiting, however, it should be realized that osmosis of dedicated staff in all our company that you mentioned above. No doubt we will insist on this opportunity.

in light of recent cases in which surgery was missing helicopter, we demanded that the Directorate of 118 to take charge of studying and implementing protocols as soon as alternative transportation emergency, and to provide, in Ultimately, the transfer to the mainland by bodies of military patrol boats with the help of a mobile stretcher of any resuscitation. Dr. Calamai is committed to be involved in this choice Dr. Genovesi in charge of. Even in this case it ensures that the issue will be resolved positively and quickly.

Other importante questione che abbiamo sollevato è stata quella relativa alle liste di attesa e alla mancanza o scarsità dei più semplici apparecchi diagnostici e sui frequenti guasti di apparecchiature più complesse  Su quest’ultima ancora una volta ci è stato riferito che la competenza è dell’Estav e dunque anche in questo caso provvederemo a sollecitare, ci auguriamo insieme all’ Azienda,  le autorità competenti.

Sulle liste di attesa non ci è sembrato che ci siano state date risposte soddisfacenti, infatti la tendenza ad accentrare la diagnostica,  i percorsi terapeutici e quelli ambulatoriali verso facilities and professionals of the continent on the one hand allows cost savings for the company, the other will inevitably lengthen the wait for Elba. To work around this inconvenience no doubt, we have proposed the possibility of having on our territory agreements with private practices. There has been claimed to be the same as private clinics to seek similar agreements, if that happens, and we solicit, we will see the proof of facts which will be the answers of the management.

It was announced by the Chief Medical Officer Dr. Lavazza the forthcoming opening of the service "Service Day", a diagnostic and therapeutic spent on each patient for which a single physician responsible will take charge of the whole process, identifying preferential ways to shorten waiting times and responding to health needs of each citizen. This undoubtedly will be an innovative performance and that, if properly implemented, will contribute to shorten the interminable waits to which we are forced ..

For service of physical therapy and adapted physical activity, while agreeing on the inevitability of a centralization of the service that allows a better operation with dedicated instruments and equipment, we have expressed our views on the need to achieve greater mobility to the center merged with the public, emergency vehicles and the interveners' intervention in the territory of technicians to assist physiotherapists in particular the elderly or persons with mobility impairments important . There was announced the presence of a physiotherapist for Marciana Marina so that should cover a vast territory and complex as the far western side of the island.

In relation to all the local services on which today's importance is widely agreed, it was found by both the parties' urgent need to strengthen or even create them from scratch. We hope this will be translated into action and time frame found.
Finally, we mentioned the critical situation prevailing in the Residence Medical Assistant S. John, to promiscuity, which often live guests who need assistance varied. We are promised that both the internal and external structures will be adjusted in order to remedy these problems. We wait and we will verify the results.

During the meeting between the management company and the Conference of Mayors, announced that it was, unfortunately, the significant reduction of resources allocated to the Project Elba. We believe however that these resources should not be devoted to interventions simply routine, but intended to strengthen and improve the quality of services that they have a unique specificity for a very uncomfortable territory as the island. We will fight for us because the resources are not so limited and that their destination is the one linked above.
At the conclusion of the meeting, la Dott.ssa Calamai ha auspicato che ci possano essere successivi incontri  di confronto e verifica con  il Comitato. Il Comitato  si è pronunciato ovviamente  a favore, pur ribadendo il suo ruolo di ascolto di tutte le doglianze da parte dei cittadini utenti, di forte  denuncia delle stesse per ricondurle in un contesto generale di  inefficienza dei servizi, riaffermando il suo compito   di incitare , di criticare costruttivamente, di proporre soluzioni, affinché le Amministrazioni Locali e Regionali, la  Direzione Aziendale producano  un loro effettivo miglioramento.

largely agrees with everything that was written in official documents, we want, however, statements that are not only vain, but that everything is actually made and especially that it is rapidly and times that have been or will be indicated.

The Health Committee Elba


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