Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Notorious Jewel De'nyle And Shelly Martinez

Councils to assume a caretaker

In seguito al fatto di cronaca dell’anziana legata al letto dalla coppia che le faceva da badante, l’Adoc ricorda le regole da seguire per chi, necessitante dei servizi di un’assistente familiare, voglia assicurarsi qualità e sicurezza.
“Non si possono affidare persone anziane a persone qualsiasi – commenta Carlo Pileri, Presidente dell’Adoc – ma occorre rivolgersi ad agenzie specializzate che garantiscano la qualità delle badanti o attraverso la conoscenza di persone affidabili. To assist older people we also need some patience and professionalism. "
According to ADOC, it is necessary that both the institutions and families to work together to prevent the occurrence of serious cases as last occurred.
"Institutions should be more present and close to the families with less bureaucracy - concluded Pileri - but also the families themselves can not unload their responsibilities on carers, in every way, entrusting the care of their loved ones."
Below is shown the Decalogue dell'Adoc advice for those wishing to use the services of a nanny, not knowing the risks and opportunities associated with the choice:
  1. To search for a family caregiver may apply to agencies or to check if your local is a log-home caregivers, domestic workers reported that they are qualified. In this case, make sure that the domestic worker has actually done the training, such as occurs in the municipality of Rome.
  2. When the request specify the type of partnership that you are looking for: activities for home or for the person, taking care to clarify the particular needs of the person to attend or specific skills you seek.
  3. If the server does not stay home, set a working time which is not excluded by the provisions law, pointing out that since March 2007, the maximum number of hours that an employee may provide increased from 44 to 40.
  4. At the time of appointment, the employer must prove possession by the maid, the following documents: employment card, health card to date, family status, social security number, proof of identity, any number of entry INPS.
  5. If the assistant family accommodation at the home of the employer, he must notify the city made in the Registry within 20 days.
  6. If the family carer is foreign, the employer must prove possession of a residence permit, if the server is outside the EU, EEC or a residence permit if the assistant is communal.
  7. E 'advisable for the employer, enter into an individual employment contract based on the National Collective Bargaining Agreement for domestic work. The document must contain: the date of commencement of the employment relationship, the possible termination date if a contract is completed, the category in which it is assumed the caregiver and his length of service, the duration of the probationary period, the 'working hours, the weekly day of rest if employed full-time, the conditions for accommodation and meals.
  8. See the tables with the minimum wage mentioned in Article .33 of Negotiable.
  9. The employer is obliged to forward the communication to the Centre for l'impiego, entro 24 ore dall'assunzione, per mezzo del modello C/Ass. Il datore può inoltre dedurre dall'imponibile l'ammontare dei contributi previdenziali versati all'INPS a favore dei collaboratori domestici.
  10. Se vi è bisogno di ulteriori informazioni, sia per gli anziani e le famiglie, che per gli assistenti familiari, ci si può rivolgere ai Patronati, come ad esempio quello dell'ITAL.


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