Sunday, January 4, 2009

Worksheets Hazards In The Kitchen

The message of the President of the FAIS Fernando Vitale

We find ourselves in the midst of a financial storm that, in the opinion of experts, will determine our future certainly not for a short period. There is talk of recession more and more insistently to the whole field and this causes us great concern and as ordinary citizens, who promises a life of uphill, both as citizens ostomy claiming instead certainties for a quality of life she deserves. The FAIS
, as we have repeatedly said and written, has always held a high level of vigilance in defending the right to health of the bearer of stoma. Now, a fortiori, must play the role of sentinel with attention even higher to prevent, the inevitable downside to the game, being called into question the fundamental principles that strongly influence the recovery of the person ostomy and their reintegration alla vita sociale, familiare e lavorativa; parliamo di centri di riabilitazione, di diritto alla libera scelta e gratuità dei dispositivi medici.
E’ in corso la ridefinizione dei nuovi LEA (Livelli Essenziali di Assistenza) da parte del Ministero della Salute e a breve dovrebbe essere completata. Questo passaggio per noi è molto importante perché stabilisce nuove modalità di fornitura dei dispositivi medici e mette ordine, almeno dovrebbe, a tutta quella confusione di interpretazioni e di speculazioni che i vari soggetti mettono in atto e per i quali ci ritroviamo a volte con il materiale diverso da quello prescritto, oppure con un numero di pezzi inferiore al dovuto, oppure dover contribuire alla spesa per la fornitura dei prodotti e così on. Confusion for many, for a variety of reasons, results in resignation to a life of series B.
In this regard, our Federation has asked for and obtained a meeting with the Hon. The Francesca Martini, Secretary of State for Health. On November 4 it has received on time in talk and listen at length with great care. He promised not to disappoint our expectations and that the dialogue has just begun will be continued.
In a recent statement, the Antitrust Authority has expressed an opinion, including procurement and free choice, we do not. To clarify the reasons for our disappointment, we turned to the TAR with a very detailed assistance. Not satisfied But the result and determined to defend our rights to the end, we decided to go further and turn to the State Council. We'll see how it will end. Recently, ASL
Vibo Valentia has opened a tender to ignore the principle of free choice and that is causing significant problems for many citizens ostomy. Again, with the Association Calabrese, we have made themselves felt in the appropriate bodies. We have received assurances in this regard, however, we follow closely the developments of the situation. Other episodes
still force us to the highest alert, for a moment, however, down your arms and in peace, I wish you all a warm invitation to celebrate World Day of the ostomy to October 3, 2009 and we will see in mass under the great banner of FAIS. Also take advantage of the pause to ask you all a sincere and warm wishes for a Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

Fernando Vitale


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