Sunday, June 27, 2010

How Long Trim Pubic Hair

Paid to click. User manual ...

For Banner Credits worth the same as for the Credit Link only this time in addition to the URL of the site we need to add the URL of the banner you want to expose, which refers to the site.
Here's an example of a link with the Referral PTC, for example Neobux known by all and that "maybe" are all members.
Then we enroll a new PTC and we want to advertise exposing our Referral Link with Banner, putting it in the circuit to see all the other members hoping to earn Referral.
If the PTC who wish to enroll in Italian language is coming into our account we will find the
heading "Manage Advertising" but if in the English language will find the "Manage Ads".
clicking a checkbox will find a menu with 'drop-down to create or manage our advertising campaign:

clicking on the Menu' we will find the voice and Banner will present a dialog like the following:

Title: will be the title of our campaign. If we expose our Referral banner Neobux Neobux put as a title.
Site Url: Neobux If we go into our account to find our voice Banner link referals to use. So how Site URL we will put our link Referral:
Banner Url: choose a standard 468x60 banner and enter the URL that will be :
Daily limit: zero
not violate the terms : Check the box

All the sites to which you are registered already provide a good banner and ready so you do not have to do any hard work it 'complicated operations . One suggestion I can give you is that when you subscribe to a site or a PTC extrapolated your codes and get a folder to find them quickly when you need it.

If you have your own blog or your website and you have no amateur can create banners for free on sites that offer this service. I've already talked about this blog in the Free Resources.

A questo punto siete pronti per la vostra campagna. Cliccate su aggiungi banner e dopo l'approvazione dell'amministratore del sito, il vostro banner sarà visibile in un circuito a rotazione, che significa che sarà visibile a rotazione con i Banner di altri Utenti.

Buon lavoro


Thursday, June 24, 2010

How Soon Does Your Cervix Open For Menstruation

Banner Credit Paid to click. User manual ... Link Credit

Le Ptc non sono solo clic da fare per guadagnare qualche Cent. Ma sono un punto d'incontro tra Inserzionisti che want to advertise their websites or blogs, and users who benefit from those ads gaining some Cents.
Someone asks me what are the links and credits their utility.
Links Credit are credits that are used to advertise their links. You buy . All PTC product packages have more advertising 'or not so small. If a user wants to advertise his site or blog or PTC Referral Link that may prefer to 'buy these links Credit etc ... 100-500-1000.
When you buy and the administrator in the user confirms the purchase
links appear purchased. At that point you should click on Manage advertising and you should see a screen like this:

Title: put the title we want to give our ad
Site URL: The link to your site or blog or PTC Referral Link, or any other Referral link
Target country: All countries, hoping that the PTC is also seen in the Congo
Daily limit: zero no limit
see only Premium members ? No so do not check the box
not violate the Terms then check the box. At the end we can do
Add Link Ptc.

Wait for the time required for approval of our links and then we will see the link between the PTC circuit.
At that point we can click Users and since we pay for that click.
A Link Credit can not 'remain in the circuit for a long time. Just reload the purchased loans.

The same goes for ads PTR (Paid to Read) and exchange visits (clicks Exchange).
But since the exchange visits can 'be free deserves a separate discussion and I will talk about in a future post.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Cooking Lessons In London Ontario Probable Site advertising boom. Today say they have a million members. Site Paid to Click (PTC) which has begun cloning the legendary Neobux and fools took the bait. The terms for payments
published in home and everywhere were 4 / 7 days.
The first payment was set at $ 2 I received it in about a month, after numerous messages sent to the contact form with some threatening to publish it as a scam site because you do not follow what is published as terms of payment. Now I wait for the second payment from
May 10 and there is someone waiting too before. They do not have the money? The situation got out their hand? They ripped off the money of those who foolishly makes or has made the upgrade?
I hired a Referral who has never made a click.
Behind Gagabux?
I checked the ToS (Termes of Service) but no longer spoken 'way of payment times ... so no one knows.
Tonight you can not enter, nor with Internet Explorer or Mozilla.
Gagabux is a website Scam. Be careful not to spend more 'a success or' for rent referals will 'to do upgrades, until you clear this mystery.
Forum is bogus, and any comment you leave the filter does not pass the moderation of Bux ... Another daughter born and died?
Another example of fraud ...

Gagabux advertising boom. Today say they have a million members. Site Paid to Click (PTC) which has begun cloning the mythical Neobux and fools have taken the bait.
The terms for payments published in home and everywhere were 4 / 7 days.
The first payment was set at $ 2 I received about a month, after numerous messages sent to the contact form with some threatening to publish it as a website Scam why not adhered to what is published as payment terms. Now look forward to the second payment by May 10 and there is someone waiting too before. Not have the money? The situation has got out of their hands? They scrubbed the money to perform or who stupidly made the upgrade?
I rented a referal who has never made a click.
What's behind Gagabux?
I checked the ToS (Termes of service) but no longer spoken 'way of payment times ... so no one knows.
Tonight you can not enter, nor with Internet Explorer or Mozilla.
Gagabux is a website Scam. Be careful not to spend more 'one cent it' referals to hire them 'to do upgrade, until you clear this mystery.
The Forum is bogus, and any comment you leave the filter does not pass the moderation ... Another daughter of the Bux born and died?
Another example of fraud ...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Whats A Urine Culture

Scam Paid to Click. Begin to understand the mechanism ...

Credo che ancora molti non abbiano capito l'enorme potenziale che si cela dietro una PTC. Sia essa grande o piccola non importa, importa che sia seria e trasparente, ed importa  the way in which it faces. You simply click passes the time, look at sites that exist between a click and the other, maybe we will sell the click and pay someone to make them for him (it happens too) but never really guadagnarà .
There will be small payout just to say "I have something to flush my clicks but there will be no significant" gains. " To "see" significant results must be set differently.
a subscriber to RoxPtc advantage of an offer made during the launch has purchased the upgrade (move to a greater extent than free) for 3 months for the price of two months. This
Medals by the upgrade
had more 'click to make, will earn twice as much to free a user clicks on its Referral, will earn a percentage on purchases made by them and may withdraw his earnings already $ 2. Referral
advertise his link has managed to drag his team many referals. After 9 days has risen to about $ 5. Its Upgrade for a period of 90 days. Multiplying 5 by 10 to the end of his state You will have in its budget about $ 50 and since has spent about 14 will have had a gain of $ 36. About $ 12 per month.
This is a small example. Why if the upgrade is done for a year costs less (in proportion) and if you have 20 if they have 100 Referral you can imagine the gains.
If we multiply these figures for the six / seven series and Ptc honest that there are around do not believe that it can become a real job?
do not think you could create a "portfolio", a rotation in order to have "a monthly salary?" I say yes. You can '.
Have two accounts ... and do not waste time with useless and random PTC disappear overnight.
My will and become great and strong. And I will give 'a hand to all decent people who want to supplement their meager wages. RoxPtc

North India Tourist Map

Seem So Easy ...

seems easy to manage a Paid To Click (PTC) but not for anything, especially if you have not yet realized that I no longer 'think for users but put myself on the other side.
Unfortunately this change of perspective that comes a bit 'difficult. I still like you and as such run the risk of doing only the interests of my members and not mine.
I have to be careful and gradually changing perspective.
E 'quite complicated. Also because when I make sure the interests of my members there or there will be one of them who will try any trick of
used on the web and attempt to defraud.

Yes, because even though people who use them maybe he does 'so slight a mo' game is always fraud.

Then I said ... we must be careful about many things and I live in fear that I can do something wrong and then give a wrong image of my site. Unfortunately
make his way in this jungle that is the Web is not easy and only time is the measure of the seriousness of those behind a website or blog, but the question I ask myself is: I will be given by
"friends" of the Web "this time?
I very much hope of" yes "because of their attention and their desire to earn giving me confidence that my survival depends on the web.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tech Deck Live Játék

For Passion and Passion

Finally I did. I thought that was a long time and now after years have passed by User on the other side of the fence. I created my PTC. We all know (I hope) what is a PTC otherwise my "lessons" were not used to anything. However, if you missed something you should know that a PTC (Paid to click) is a site where you get paid to click advertising links. You receive small gains but if you start and act in a professional manner and method, you can turn it into a real job. You start by registering for free and earn by clicking and then as soon as they receive their first payments, and has proven reliability of the site you can 'invest a few small fee to increase degree and then earn more '. In short, can '
become exciting. Does not depend on anyone and you can 'self-management time on their hands. If you want you can subscribe and cominciare.Spero try to find you, at least for supporting me in my adventure e. .. ... do not worry ... I'll pay disappear like so many others ... Oh I forgot my website is called RoxPtc .

And this is my Logo