Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What Is The Remission Rate For Peritoneal Cancer?

Afghanistan: NATO leaflets crushed by Maryam-Ave Maria for a colostomy

Afghanistan, Lashkar
Maryam is 5 years old. E 'born in Taywara, in the central province of Ghowr. But then his family, hoping to escape from poverty, have migrated to the southern province of Helmand, finishing Mahajor live in the refugee camp on the outskirts of Lashkar. Maryam's house is a shack, where he lives with his parents, Mohammed and Tahir Qamar Gull, grandfather, uncle, with his four brothers and two sisters. At three o'clock in the morning of June 27, all were awakened by the screams of the little Maryam, crushed under a big box full of twenty pounds of leaflets NATO occupation forces launched three thousand feet high. Usually these containers are opened during the fall Let it rain on their content. But this case clearly was inadequate. About five o'clock in the morning, Maryam, accompanied by her father, arrived in 'Emergency hospital in Lashkar-Gah. "He was in shock, with a crush injury of the abdominal region and an extensive soft tissue injury of the whole genital area," sources said the hospital's Medical Emergency. Immediately assisted and operations, they found a severe pelvic fracture, vagina, rectum and anus destroyed and damage to the urethra. "It is operated by laparotomy, she was made a colostomy (from the belly to defecate, ed), and several transfusions since he had lost so much blood. Today, after three days, was reported in the operating room for further cleaning of wounds. On July 3, is expected to undergo further surgery, and I think history will repeat itself for several days to come, "said the medical source. Maryam has regained consciousness on the second day of hospitalization. Grumbles continuously since then because he wants to drink the water. The His face is perpetually angry in a grimace of anger. It is really not nice to wake up suddenly at 3 am with a pack of twenty pounds that falls on you and you open the abdomen breaking the bones ... what will become of this little girl without genitals in a country like Afghanistan?
Henry Piovesana
http://it.peacereporter.net/articolo/16455/Afghanistan% 3A + Maryam + crushed + by + flyers + Born

Saturday, May 23, 2009

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The project enters the nursing home in Via Calvino

Grande interpretazione degli spazi, finiture di qualità.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Notorious Jewel De'nyle And Shelly Martinez

Councils to assume a caretaker

In seguito al fatto di cronaca dell’anziana legata al letto dalla coppia che le faceva da badante, l’Adoc ricorda le regole da seguire per chi, necessitante dei servizi di un’assistente familiare, voglia assicurarsi qualità e sicurezza.
“Non si possono affidare persone anziane a persone qualsiasi – commenta Carlo Pileri, Presidente dell’Adoc – ma occorre rivolgersi ad agenzie specializzate che garantiscano la qualità delle badanti o attraverso la conoscenza di persone affidabili. To assist older people we also need some patience and professionalism. "
According to ADOC, it is necessary that both the institutions and families to work together to prevent the occurrence of serious cases as last occurred.
"Institutions should be more present and close to the families with less bureaucracy - concluded Pileri - but also the families themselves can not unload their responsibilities on carers, in every way, entrusting the care of their loved ones."
Below is shown the Decalogue dell'Adoc advice for those wishing to use the services of a nanny, not knowing the risks and opportunities associated with the choice:
  1. To search for a family caregiver may apply to agencies or to check if your local is a log-home caregivers, domestic workers reported that they are qualified. In this case, make sure that the domestic worker has actually done the training, such as occurs in the municipality of Rome.
  2. When the request specify the type of partnership that you are looking for: activities for home or for the person, taking care to clarify the particular needs of the person to attend or specific skills you seek.
  3. If the server does not stay home, set a working time which is not excluded by the provisions law, pointing out that since March 2007, the maximum number of hours that an employee may provide increased from 44 to 40.
  4. At the time of appointment, the employer must prove possession by the maid, the following documents: employment card, health card to date, family status, social security number, proof of identity, any number of entry INPS.
  5. If the assistant family accommodation at the home of the employer, he must notify the city made in the Registry within 20 days.
  6. If the family carer is foreign, the employer must prove possession of a residence permit, if the server is outside the EU, EEC or a residence permit if the assistant is communal.
  7. E 'advisable for the employer, enter into an individual employment contract based on the National Collective Bargaining Agreement for domestic work. The document must contain: the date of commencement of the employment relationship, the possible termination date if a contract is completed, the category in which it is assumed the caregiver and his length of service, the duration of the probationary period, the 'working hours, the weekly day of rest if employed full-time, the conditions for accommodation and meals.
  8. See the tables with the minimum wage mentioned in Article .33 of Negotiable.
  9. The employer is obliged to forward the communication to the Centre for l'impiego, entro 24 ore dall'assunzione, per mezzo del modello C/Ass. Il datore può inoltre dedurre dall'imponibile l'ammontare dei contributi previdenziali versati all'INPS a favore dei collaboratori domestici.
  10. Se vi è bisogno di ulteriori informazioni, sia per gli anziani e le famiglie, che per gli assistenti familiari, ci si può rivolgere ai Patronati, come ad esempio quello dell'ITAL.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

How Do You Get Rid Of Aherniaon A Dog


A Hail Mary Anna, my dear, sweet friend who died under the rubble of his house of 'Aquila


Thursday, April 9, 2009

20 Weeks Pregnant Stressed And Pains


Dear Friends, I wish you all a happy Easter with a poem of 'unforgettable Father Davide Maria Turoldo

For Easter morning
I would like to donate something to the Lord, but I do not know what.
I'll go around the streets and I'll stop playing with the children especially in the suburbs,
and then leave a flower for each window of the poor and greet everyone I meet by.
And then I'll play with my hands on the bell tower.
I'll go into the woods tonight and hug trees
Davide Maria Turoldo

Monday, March 30, 2009

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The apartments at the nursing home in Milan in Via Calvino

Gli appartamenti della casa di riposo di Via Calvino possono essere vissuti da una persona sola o da una coppia (non solo marito e moglie ma anche, per fare un esempio, due sorelle). Possono essere equipped with furniture and accessories of property or using external service providers. Below are two examples of use of space according to the study design of interiors.
A real apartment not just a bedroom!
Our proposal is structured in large apartments where the guests can keep their habits and their way of life ... not a bedroom, in a structure where the agreed rules also prohibit small pleasures such as smoking a cigarette ...

For information please call 010 365 999

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

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Location of the new nursing home in Milan

Below you can see the location of the residence of Calvin Street

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The nursing home in Milan's Via Calvino opens in June

The renovation of the Via Calvino, is intended to be assisted nursing home, is almost finished. I am therefore now accepting reservations.

click here to write

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Joico Hard Up Where To Buy

A new nursing home in Milan

An innovative idea

An entire property consists of 39 condominium apartments, each with ample parking space is now used, after a radical restructuring and rational, hired to become a resident totally unique, designed for those not content to live only an apartment but want to especially be able to draw on a wide range of services usually difficult to obtain in a good hotel. The condominiums will be able to request the delivery of revenue or a hot meal, book a seat at the theater, have a massage at home, be accompanied (for this is provided half with driver) to go shopping ... ( list of services )

Want to know more?

We know that the information you have provided are extremely plastic. Contact us, we will be happy to take your time.


for elderly dependents

a residential facility such as ours is certainly an ideal accommodation for a couple of elderly dependents, for single people with or without problems of disability, that within a protected environment may then have quick access to quality services provided by qualified personnel ready to solve everyday problems that arise from time to time. The uniqueness of our nursing home is the fact that each Guests can count on a spacious apartment where can maintain their habits. It is therefore a rational opportunity to grasp!

Have specific requests?

not hesitate to write or call. We are available to analyze all of your needs and to see if they are compatible with our project.

Go to page

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

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Cost of fees for accommodation in Lombardy

The alarm retired CISL Lombardy, on the eve of the Region

Ninety-six euro per month, three euro and twenty cents a day. And 'The average increase in tuition fee for nursing homes in Lombardy, a burden "unsustainable" for the Lombard families, according to the pensioners' union CISL Lombardy, which brought together his government in Sesto S. John, in view of today with the regional minister for family affairs, Giancarlo Abelli.

"Last Thursday, over 30 thousand people, workers and retirees have expressed a policy more attentive to social and health needs of senior citizens and families - said Arnaldo Chianese, general secretary of Fnp CISL Lombardy -. We hope that the Pirellone has understood that it is time to turn the page, start a real debate and give concrete answers. "" The continuous increases in nursing homes have created an untenable situation for thousands of families - he added -. The Region must increase contributions to the RSA for health care costs, through the regional health fund, covering at least 50% of health expenditure as provided by law. "

Heading the list of the highest fees confirms Milan, where you pay average between 69 (ASL Milano City) to 53 € (ASL Milan 1) per day and where the increases, compared to 2006, ranging from 3.50 to 4.70 euro.

followed Como, 56.64 € in media al giorno (+ 4,81 rispetto al 2006),
Varese con 56.54 (+ 3,48),
Lecco con 47,52 (+4,19),
Bergamo e Pavia con 45,58 (+3,21 e + 4,37),
Cremona con 45,24 (+ 3,38),
Mantova con 43.08 (+ 3,55),
Lodi con 41.87 (+ 2,87),
Brescia 41,73 (+ 2,28),
Sondrio 35,91 (+ 1,81) e infine la Valcamonica con 33.54 (+0,83).

L’emergenza-rette è solo uno dei punti che saranno al centro dell’incontro. All’assessore alla Famiglia, infatti, i sindacati dei pensionati lombardi Fnp Cisl, Spi Cgil e Uilp Uil, ripresenteranno richieste da tempo in attesa di risposte dalla Regione: dalla establishment of a regional fund for long-term care arrangements for the application of social-health integration of municipalities, the revision of the accreditation system of the RSA and verification of services included in fees, the strengthening of the bed relief, those palliative care and the initiation of community hospitals.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

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Internet use by the elderly

Year: University: Rapporteur:
1998-99 University Turin Luciano Gallino
Area: Faculty: Course:
Education Sciences Education Sciences
La tesi è il risultato di una ricerca, condotta nell'arco di un anno, volta ad individuare e ad analizzare l'immagine sociale che emerge dalla Rete degli anziani e come questi ultimi utilizzano Internet.
Si delineano così le caratteristiche sociali, culturali, economiche del navigatore-anziano, sullo sfondo of an ongoing confrontation between the reality of national and European and American.
As regards the part concerning the use of the Internet, are considered different initiatives to promote access to the very nature of this social category.
The paper concludes by outlining the possible development of the network for the elderly in Italy.

Monday, March 16, 2009

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Rest Home, the Web search

the demand for homes is still very strong. the picture you can see the visitors counter at one of the sites traced on Google. Click on the image you can enlarge it.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

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Older citizens of Europe

Friday, March 13, 2009

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family or home The condition aside

The elderly citizens of Europe
Authors and Editors: Marcellini Fiorella, Anna Torelli , Cristina Gagliardi
Collection: Policies and social services
Topics: Senior
Level: Studies, research
Data: pp. 176, 1 edition in 1998 (Cod.1130.62)
family or institution. Old age between resources and constraints
Authors and Editors:
Contributions: Bonarini Franco, Patrizia Bortolon, Maria Castiglioni, Renata Clerici, Stefano Mazzucato, Alessandro Rosina, Cecilia Tomassini, Giovanna Zambon
Collection: Political and social services
Topics: Senior

Bibliographic Data:
pp. 272, 1 edition in 2002 (Cod.1130.135)

Tipologia: Edizione a stampa
Prezzo: € 24,00
Disponibilità: Limitata
ISBN 10: 8846440013
ISBN 13: 9788846440013

Presentation of the book:

what extent the changes taking place in the Italian family (the decrease in fertility, increased marital instability, the gradual diversification of the relationship between components) will alter the family resources people in older age and with them the demand for social services? The question is of some importance for a country that is rapidly aging and the social policies which, by tradition, delegate to the family a central location in assisting those most vulnerable.

This book offers a reflection on these issues where possible favoring a dynamic approach.

The book is divided into two parts. The first part explores the plight of the elderly living in the household and the strategies adopted in recent years to reconcile the demands of solidarity with the new emergent behaviors. Are analyzed: the familiar forms of active relationships and networks, the role of family resources in determine the residential environment in old age. In conclusion present some form of residential development scenarios of the future elderly population. The second part analyzes a pool of older people are generally poorly studied, one of the guests of the establishment. Using sources from different backgrounds are overcome lack of information and identify the unique characteristics of this population and those with higher probability of entering a nursing home.

whole emerges a composite picture of the housing conditions of older people - particularly those most at risk of marginalization - and their specific socio-demographic characteristics. The variety of information and the multiplicity of techniques tests used are a further element of interest in the book that will appeal to scholars in the field, local administrators and leaders of social services.

Fausta onager teaches demography at the Faculty of Statistical Sciences, University of Padua. His research interests focus on the themes of family, fertility and the course of individual life. Among his publications: Fertility and sons: between postponement and waiver (with P. De Sandre, R. Rettaroli and S. Salvini, Il Mulino, 1997).


Fausta Ongaro, Introduction
Renata Clerici, familial forms of the population anziana nell'Italia di fine millennio
(Anziani a cavallo del millennio: evoluzione delle caratteristiche strutturali; Dinamica evolutiva per coorte; Evoluzione dei principali eventi demografici con impatto sulle forme familiari in età anziana; Conclusioni; Nota metodologica. Una scomposizione degli effetti di età, periodo e coorte nelle modificazioni delle forme familiari)
Stefano Mazzuco, Fausta Ongaro , Storie di vita familiare in tarda età
(Gli anziani di fine millennio: famiglie e corso di vita familiare; Le determinanti della struttura familiare: l'effetto delle risorse familiari; Riflessioni conclusive; Nota metodologica. Il modello logit multinomiale)
Alessandro Rosina, Cecilia Tomassini , Umberto D. and others. The relational context of people living alone or in pairs
(Elderly and networks; Measuring the relational context and assumptions, the next house, eye contact and people can count on, emotional support, Conclusions)
Maria Castiglioni, Patricia Bortolon , Demand expressed and satisfied service for the elderly: local experience
(The survey of demand for services, Data source, the elderly who are expressing a need for assistance?; The families of the elderly; the express request, the system responses social health; Discussion)
Stefano Mazzuco , What families for future elderly?
(Models estimates of households, the data available and the method, the working hypothesis, results of projections, conclusions, Statistical Appendix)
Franco Bonarini , Statistics on residential
(The population census, and some local surveys, the Census Department Interior structures for the elderly; The survey of socio-health of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Istat survey on residential deans-cisis; The old Istat survey on social assistance, the European Community Household Panel , and the Multipurpose Survey on Families, comments and perspectives; Conclusions)
Bonarini Franco, The elderly population of istituti assistenziali secondo i dati del censimento del 1991
(Ammontare e caratteristiche della popolazione; Differenze territoriali; La presenza dei familiari; Durata della permanenza; Stima del flusso annuo d'ingressi; Conclusioni; Appendice statistica)
Franco Bonarini , La popolazione anziana delle case di riposo in provincia di Padova
(Introduzione; Convivenze e istituti assistenziali; Gli anziani residenti nelle case di riposo; I familiari presenti; I trasferimenti delle famiglie alle case di riposo negli ultimi cinque anni; Durata della permanenza; La mortalità; Una stima dei tassi di transizione dalle famiglie alle case di riposo; Conclusioni)
Fausta Ongaro , Anziani at risk of institutionalization in a local context
(Preliminary; The elderly population of the province: an overview, individual and family determinants of entry into the nursing home; Discussion)
Maria Castiglioni, Renata Clerici , Conditions Personal and family of the elderly in nursing homes: two Venetian institutions
(The populations concerned, Composition of the host population, the age at the entrance; The family of origin and the presence of children, because in an institution where self-sufficient?; A attempt to classify the patients in a nursing home, you can prolong the stay at home?;

Thursday, March 12, 2009

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elderly and identity in change

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Womens Girdles For Men

The elderly, the city and services

La nave di Teseo. La condizione anziana e l'identità nel cambiamento
Autori e curatori: Giuseppe A. Micheli
Contributi: Lorenzo Breveglieri, Giulia Rivellini, Ester Rizzi, Alessandro Rosina
Collana: Equivalenze
Argomenti: Terza età
Livello: Studi, ricerche
Data: pp. 224, 1 edition in 2002 (Cod.570.5)
The elderly, the city and services. A search on the operations and resources on the third and fourth age in Piacenza
Autori e curatori: Giuseppe Magistrali, Giulia Maria Cagnolati, Silvia Fava
Contributi: Fernando Anzivino, Nicola Argenziano, Elisabetta Bassi, Giulia Maria Cagnolati, Elisa Cavazzuti, Alessandra Fanti, Barbara Guidotti, Sebastiano Porcu, Maria Sterpi, Andreare Trabacchi
Collana: Politiche e servizi sociali
Argomenti: Terza età
pp. 256, 1 a edizione 1998 (Cod.1130.59)

Tipologia: Edizione a stampa
Prezzo: € 24,50
Availability: Good
ISBN 10: 8846411722
ISBN 13: 9788846411723

Presentation of the book:

The aging of the population is at the center of social policies the issue of senior citizens. With a view to developing guidance and services in response to the problems of the Third and Fourth Age, it becomes important to identify and use tools for the detection of needs and for monitoring and testing of interventions in the area. In this context, the Province of Piacenza, the City and Caritas of Piacenza-Bobbio have promoted research on the condition of the elderly, built with the help of the Health Services and Municipalities in the urban district.

Through research it was possible to assess the local supply of social services, promoting cultural activities and support of associations, to examine the role of the institution public and voluntary and private social gathering, interviews, stories, needs and expectations of older people themselves and the people who care for them. Everything is done with reference to the changes introduced by Law n.5/1994 dell'Emilia Romagna.

This volume brings together contributions from a group of researchers and practitioners at the conference "Being old in Piacenza. In the first part, devoted to the Services of the Local, we find a framework for socio-demographic analysis of supply of services and facilities for the elderly, evaluation of the experience of innovative Service Seniors and Geriatric Evaluation Unit , a reflection lines of action in Emilia Romagna.

The second part addresses the issue of community resources and family through the analysis of care interventions, promotional and cultural circles, associations and the voluntary parish interviews with a group of elders and caregivers, a reflection on the active role older people in the same area, the evaluation of intervention in social service network.

Joseph Magistrali Centre-Research Center is responsible for social policies and the voluntary sector and the Center for Families of the City of Piacenza. Maria Giulia Cagnolati Elderly Commission is responsible for the Caritas Piacenza. Silvia Fava è collaboratrice dell'Osservatorio-Centro Studi sulle politiche sociali e il volontariato e del Centro per le Famiglie del Comune di Piacenza.

Parte I. Realtà ed evoluzione dei servizi

Andrea Trabacchi , Il quadro sociodemografico e abitativo

Alessandra Fanti , L'offerta dei servizi per gli anziani

Giuseppe Magistrali, Gli interventi socio-assistenziali e ricreativi

Fernando Anzivino, Maria Sterpi, L'esperienza della Unità di Valutazione Geriatrica e del Elderly Service

Elisa Cavazzuti Intervention Network in support of the elderly: the role of social

Part II. The resources for the elderly and the elderly as resources

Barbara Guidotti, The reality of clubs and associations

Nicola Argenziano, Volunteering parish for the Third Age

Sebastiano Porcu, Elderly subjects active policy of land

Cagnolati Maria Giulia, Elizabeth Bass, Silvia Fava, Faces and voices: interviews with the elderly and their caregivers .

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

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Universal design: the home for the elderly users

Universal design: the home for the elderly users

Minini, Mirella . Universal design: the home for the elderly users. Rel Maritano, Delfina and Lacirignola, Angela . Politecnico di Torino, 2. Faculty of Architecture, Degree in Architecture , 2007


With the shortening of young players and remain more pronounced in the lives of older generations, one of the main problems of the developed countries has become one of the aging population, the increase in both number of older people and of their proportion of the overall population.

It is a demographically inevitable process which must be in its extraordinarily positive facts, such as significant advances in medical science through the control of epidemic and infectious diseases, reducing child mortality, the evolution of surgery and diagnostics, Advances in prevention and therapy and a general increase in the quality of life, especially from the point of view of sanitation and nutrition.

Aging Therefore, in developed Western countries, is the result of the occurrence of two events: the significant lengthening of life expectancy and the decline in births, of what has changed profoundly in recent decades, the population structure.

Under the awareness about the increasing weight class occupied by the elderly in society and the condition of old age as one of the phases of age inevitably characterize the life of every individual, it is logical and should not relegate to the needs of older margins of social debate, but instead return them within those of the global society.

can not be attributed to population old characteristics uniquely defined, as the old physical, biological, psychological and often do not coincide. In fact, older people can maintain a highly efficient psychological and, often, good memory, attention, logic and creativity, even if accompanied by a physicist in an advanced state of senile involution, or sometimes people look older, while maintaining that the physical characteristics relatively young, are showing signs of mental deterioration.

Whatever your situation, the older person can be in a state of disability because of multiple phenomena, a condition defined as a limitation or loss of ability to perform activities as or within the limits considered normal for an individual.

However, you can look at the disability of two diametrically opposite points of view: considering the disability only in terms of what we can not do because of its limitations, or in terms of what can be done independently, positive finding and also exploring novel ways. This latter meaning, in line with the "International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) the World Health Organization has promulgated in 2001, seems the most consistent with the new way of conceiving the person characterized by difficulty physical or sensory impairments.

The designer, to develop interdisciplinary spirit and consciousness with the built environment, must consciously choose to look at what point of view, but in any case it is necessary to cultivate knowledge of the many conditions and restrictions related to specific disabilities that affect humans in its relationship with the world. A report to evaluate if any changes are necessarily progressive disability over time and of the unstoppable process of aging.

Often, the worsening of the condition of the elderly requires that adjustments be made of the domestic space, if you want to avoid that the individual is away from home and placed in una struttura assistenziale. Questi interventi di adeguamento devono tuttavia essere preliminarmente previsti in sede di progetto, al fine di minimizzare le opere necessarie.

Il tema della permanenza degli anziani nella propria abitazione, salvaguardando le abitudini consolidate, restando partecipi dell'ambiente e dei luoghi con i quali si hanno legami affettivi, mantenendo saldi i rapporti con parenti e amici della vita quotidiana, si oppone come una sfida progettuale per l'architetto, chiamato a riscoprire il valore sociale della propria professione e motivato dalla volontà di trovare soluzioni realizzabili per innalzare la qualità della vita nella terza e quarta età.

Occorre, quindi, che il progettista adotti uniforma mindset towards the future, which will enable it to develop good projects not only in the short term, but flexible and easily adaptable over time as needed.

emerges clearly, however, especially in the case of residential building dated, that an operation of adjustment is influenced decisively by the state of housing, often, unfortunately, far from the minimum accessibility requirements. Many constraints can indeed restrain the designer in preparing the plan of adjustment, but must also be incentives for finding alternative specifications.

Going beyond the standards to improve the quality of life of older people, , and more generally to all individuals, is therefore not only possible but highly desirable to form the design culture is essential for architects.

The continuous evolution of technological progress also now allows for experts to respond more effectively and leading to disability issues through the provision of sophisticated equipment, automation systems and home automation.

Accessibility generalized spaces constructed can be understood as a discipline aimed at the maximum enhancement of the autonomy of each individual, through careful planning of space, regardless of the condition psychophysics is located in, on a temporary or permanent, ensuring a smooth and wider use of all the habitats where there is the daily life of man.

The project is just as capable of being a professional interpreter and mediator of the needs and the needs of people, but its role can not be resolved in attention to prevailing aesthetic, economic or specific to a category from those of functional and social commitment , threatening to carry out projects that are ill adapted to the needs expressed by users.

In this regard, the innovative concept of the universe! Design in relation to the project, it involves a new kind of design, nor a specialization, but in a design methodology through which the designer ensures that its products or services meet the needs of as many people as possible, regardless of the psycho-physical condition of each. It challenges the architects to go beyond compliance with minimum standards and characteristics of specific users, to find solutions that include the needs of different recipients. People who have reduced mobility or sensory impairments should be made available easily, as those without disabilities, of all physical space, with a successful reduction of the sources of danger, situations of hardship and fatigue.

The need is clear, therefore, is that an attitude who can pay more attention to you, who will be the consumer of the project.

E 'need to rethink the man, or rather the human being: his being a man or woman, an entity which evolves from child to senior person in the course of life may have a temporary or permanent changes, and have characteristics different from the "normal" defined by the conventions that have proved inadequate.

To define the size and morphological characteristics of the environment in order to balance diverse needs, in fact, it is necessary to define a framework of needs to consider an extended profile "expanded audience."

should not refer anthropometric data only to an individual's "normal" ideal, but to consider aspects of needs that concern all those who, on a permanent or temporary, have special needs. This is intended to highlight the need for the designer to adopt a new approach to the project, a holistic approach that considers the issues in the user logic extended.

main point of Universal Design, or Design for all, it is the availability of places and equipment are configured to be used usually by a wide segment of the population, free of architectural barriers, sources of danger and fatigue. Especially housing, urban spaces and its equipment must be able to respond effectively and smoothly to the real needs of man, from childhood to old age, gradually adapting over the years.

This mindset implies, therefore, achieve a greater awareness of the architects about their social role, and the need to deal with the commercial offering of a market as diverse as possible. Because there is a real change and a share of this objective, it is necessary to conduct a broad awareness of the issue in respect of architects and designers in general.

Starting from the considerations related to the issue of "aging population, and increasing the spread of the fees of the University! Design, it was decided to focus work on the category of older people, because the senile involution may present a very broad and diverse set of diseases and functional limitations, which well suited to the general design goal for users expanded.

Monday, March 2, 2009

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2009 World Day of ostomy

This is the link to view the video that advertises the "World Day of ostomy

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Poster Monster Energy

Promoting wellness in nursing homes

Year: University: Rapporteur:
2003-04 University of Bergamo Paride Braibanti
Area: Facoltà: Corso:
Scienze dell'Educazione Scienze dell'educazione
Today in Italy the issue of seniority seems to become increasingly central in the medical-care but many times we forget the fact that older people are people with needs and desires of important psychological and social significance.
Dementias and physical problems that lead to non-self-sufficiency not enough to explain the lack of attention that sometimes arises with intimacy and relationships of people in nursing homes (RSA).
My concept was born from the work carried out at a large RSA Bergamo. I have touched on subjects such as: organizational and institutional dimension, the mink around the illness and treatment, the elderly, animation, communication, family. I also proposed a practical model for identifying the needs / desires of the elderly, showing a practical example of qualitative research on an interview.

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Elderly, identity and narrative

Year: University: Rapporteur:
2003-04 University of Insubria Claudio Bonvecchio
Area: Faculty: Course :
Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences communication
The age and being old are commonly associated with the image of the man who walks or reached the end of his life.
In fact, today, improving the quality of living conditions and hygiene, the evolution of medical disciplines and scientific ones, allowed to significantly extend the life prospects, turning what was the final phase of existence, in often a period of nearly twenty years' duration.
In this period, the action of changes in status or social behaviors and the onset of disease, could make the man a "person without a personality." The attitude of
society in respect of the 'old age' than in the past has, in recent decades, changed, altering the ratio of individuals with their own traditions and culture of belonging, leaving an empty man "identity."
The emergence of New Age practices, so fashionable gathered legions of followers, is the expression of the need to bridge this gap, finding ancestral signs of their existence.
Man, post-modern view of the whole, however, is committed in the search for deep roots, so remote as to escape, at times, even the memory of the living. Old age in today
is very different from that of the past and should therefore be divided into two distinct periods, that of "seniority" in which man is an active and present in the community of belonging, and that of the 'advanced old age "in which, Because of the onset of illness or disabling event, the person is deprived of the opportunity to take active roles in society.
In the latter condition and especially if in need of care and no longer self-sufficient, the old is removed from having to be the guardian of experiences and values, because it no longer considered capable of transmitting and teach their knowledge and converted so subject to 'social' to 'object' of social concern.
The author of this thesis has included the following keywords:

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Active Ageing Seniors

Year: University: Rapporteur:
2007-08 University of Messina Francesca Ruggeri
Area: Faculty: Course:
of Education Education Science and Training
The work is based on the analysis of issues related to education rducative the elderly. It begins with the description of the physical decline and then drops to the psychological and relational.
The old "geek" is a consolidated reality of our times, and to make sure that questo non avvenga è necessario mettere in luce gli aspetti positivi della vecchiaia; essere vecchi non significa aver raggiunto il termine della vita, al contrario, la terza età se affrontata con l'animo giusto può tramutarsi in una fase produttiva e socializzata della vita, diventando esempio anche per i giovani. Il tempo libero degli anziani può essere impiegato in attività ludico-creative e tra queste oggi stanno prendendo piede le UTE (Università della terza età). L'ultima parte della tesi descrive l'esperienza vissuta dalla sottoscritta (in chiave socio-politica e demografica) nell'"Aula de Mayores" presso l'Università di Huelva (Andalucia-Espana) in cui ha svolto il presente lavoro grazie al progetto Erasmus.