Sunday, November 30, 2008

Example Letter Of Disconnection Telephone

No offense to the decriminalization of medical error

No offense to the decriminalization of medical error
These days you are heatedly discussing the proposal to decriminalize the offense from errors in medical practice and care, the text, easily available and not yet official, it seems still a few known .
Faced with this situation, already anticipated some months ago, Cittadinanzattiva declared its opposition and proposed a quote in a recent document sent to the Senate, "not to alter the profiles of responsibility civil and criminal medical personnel currently in force in our legal and specified by law.
Any change of the profiles of civil and criminal liability only for the medical staff would create a discrimination against all other professionals and other crimes against the person for whom the civil and criminal liability would remain unaltered, questioning the principle of equality provided by the Italian Constitution (Article 3).
addition, the decriminalization of the offense by medical error does not seem the most appropriate response to the criticality of the Italian criminal justice: the excessive time processes, which in some cases coincide with the prescription del reato, costi elevati sostenuti dai cittadini,solo per fare alcuni esempi.
In tal senso le vie da percorrere sarebbero altre rispetto alla “depenalizzazione”: dare centralità processuale al ruolo delle vittime dei reati, rivedere l’istituto della prescrizione dei reati, istituire forme di risoluzione delle controversie alternative a quella legale, etc…In particolare si propone di sospendere i termini di prescrizione del reato nelle more delgiudizio penale: la sospensione dei termini di prescrizione dovrebbe intercorrere dal momentodi avvio del primo grado di giudizio del procedimento penale sino alla conclusione del terzo grado di giudizio.

And so in absolute silence is preparing an 'other award to another caste!
E 'absolutely unacceptable, this' award' would damage ulteriolmente of citizens to inexperience or neglect, have already suffered serious damage!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Unhandled Exception 00652f30

Streets ... the Internet are endless!

Dear Friends, I received a call this morning that I announced the 'arrival of an e-mail, open the mail I found a link ... do not tell you my surprise ... I did not know anything. .. and do not even know who is the 'author, who touched thank you, here is the link # inbasso

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How Long Does It Take To Get Your Std Results


Dear Friends, of us 'ALIS we designed to do' a Pranzo di Natale ‘ assieme; certamente non per il giorno di Natale che tutti noi trascorreremo con i nostri familiari, ma a ridosso.
Le date ipotizzate sono due: il 18 Dicembre, oppure il “ 20 Dicembre.
L’ invito a partecipare è esteso a tutti, ma ovviamente in modo particolare agli amici residenti a Roma e nel Lazio…e zone limitrofe.
Sarà un’ occasione per conoscerci meglio, per rinsaldare la nostra amicizia, per farne delle nuove, e soprattutto per TRASCORRERE ASSIEME QUALCHE ORA SERENAMENTE CON DEGLI AMICI.
Per concretizzare l’ idea, attendiamo di sapere quanti di voi aderiranno al nostro invito, e tra le due date indicate quale sarebbe da voi preferita.
Per aderire sarà just send me an e-mail to:
Today is Monday, November 25, to answer this call you once a week, say by Monday, December 1, so that we can decide and organize everything. Waiting for 'avalanche' of enlargement, a warm greeting and a hug to all

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Proper management of urinary tract external

urostomizzati Dear Friends, I received this video that shows how to properly handle a urostomy.
Paste the 'url of the link to be able to view

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Brazil Employment Structure


Dear Friends,
as you know yesterday there was the conference organized from 'ALIS, that our intent was to involve 55 of Lazio ASL, ASL Well no ... you get involved, he felt no moral obligation to send a representative, this says a lot about how they are perceived by those problems of ostomy who first should be interested.
And if this, ostomy are well aware, are not just in understanding that only one of their active participation in various associations may change this shameful neglect.
I shall digress to tell you of my 'Temptation': Do not respond to telephone calls, e-mails that I receive daily, containing requests for help and information, a ottenutele time, these people do not live longer, feel a moral duty to contribute in turn to the problems experienced may be spared to other people, this 'temptation' is strong. I close the parentheses.
Back at the conference: The speakers were of the highest level, have provided invaluable information, especially those of Professor Manuela Merli, 's lawyer Palazzoli Diego, and the Alexander stomoterapista Mottola, and we have learned things that even we "experts" did not know.
You may want to know what information we have received ... WELL NOT WRITE '. Those interested in learning information, that certainly would be useful to solve different problems, LEARN TO ATTEND THE DIFFERENT GROUPS, AND TO PARTICIPATE IN MEETINGS THAT THIS PURPOSE GROUPS SHOW! Too easy to read everything on the Internet, or call Neva, or send 's e-mails!
Do not forget, that we, too, that we adhere to 'ALIS, the FAIS, we ostomy, we are volunteers who commit their time for free, and take out all of his own pocket! Pulling the conclusions, I must honestly say that the conference is' IMPORTANT STATE; between the 'other, for me, it was nice to meet some friends and acquaintances of the other person, such as Nadia and her handsome husband.
Sorry for the tone of this writing, but those who know me well know by now that I do not have the gift of diplomacy!
Special thanks to Rosario Pagano, president of 'ALIS, which has almost single-handedly undertake the arduous preparation of the conference.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Portal Z Prasówkami


Dear Friends,
are pleased to announce some good news:
was released from' hospital, and the postoperative course proceeds normally.
Already last night, Enzo is connected to the chat forum of the FAIS to 'talk' with friends.
part of Enzo, and for my part, I thank all those who have expressed a concrete solidarity by sending e-mails

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Today we got confirmation that the conference will address the


Monday, November 17, 2008

Slogans About Eating Healthy

More information about the conference of 'ALIS November 19

few more information about the conference on Wednesday, 19.
Among the speakers will be our teacher Manuela Merli, who will speak of chronic inflammatory diseases of the 'intestinal tract, and on the' possible consequences they may entail (even the packaging of an ostomy) if not detected and treated in time.
Another important presence, that of 'Palazzoli Diego lawyer who will discuss the administrative and reflections Legal concerning ostomy .... and then I will be there :-))

Saturday, November 15, 2008

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analysis of the' hits' on the Blog

For thirty days, on our Blog, you installed a counter 'visits', in months were 1,400 (an outcome that I never expected!).
The 'hits' come from twelve countries:


-England-San Marino-


Other requests come from nations not specified.
Visitors are as follows: 30% is made up of those who regularly frequent the blog
70% of new visitors.
visits this month suggest that the estimated 10 million visits to 'year was an underestimate, and that they can be more.
As I said, I'm stunned, happy and a bit 'intimidated ... I do not know if they are at' high, if they are unable to provide any information that obviously those who frequent the blog are expected ...
I will try my best, hoping for 'help and cooperation of friends ostomy

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

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priority aim of the conference

I've had of' e-mails, asking me what 'is the purpose of meeting the aims are manifold, in this post , will emphasize the main

- Awareness of Staff of the Hospitals

. We chose this theme because it is one of the most painful, is at the counters of their ostomy that ASL meets the first and more difficult.
this is not always due to carelessness, laxity, carelessness, and often the causes of these difficulties can be ascribed to poor knowledge of the stoma and problems that derive from it. How many times before
ostomy to a door, felt by asking 'employee: Ostomy ... and what? Or in most cases, people know the term, but they know nothing of what it means in reality. In
Lazio ASL, there is the professional of stomaterapista, and thus no any laboratory stomaterapia them; an ostomy is therefore obliged to go to hospital every time he needs a check, or simply advice on how to manage the stoma. And of course there is no stomaterapista that can go to the home of the ostomy patient in the 'possibility that he is unable to move. After suffering
packaging of the stoma, and being released from 'hospital, the patient and his relatives are finding themselves, they do not know who to contact to get that treatment, those recommendations, the information required in the very first time. Go
in their ASL for information, it is time lost in 90% of cases are not even aware if there are in your local health care for the ostomy.
As above, we invited the 55 ASL of the Lazio region to participate in the conference organized by 'ALIS.

the date, 's address and hours of conference

DAY November 19, 2008
The conference will be' held at the CNR classroom MARCONIPiazzale ALDO MORO No. 7 ROME
The work will start at 8, 45