Monday, February 28, 2011

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Copy-paste from Elba Report
Monday, February 28, 2011

Towards the new health and social integration of the region

The new plan for 2011-2015 will be the first time health and social services together, integrated.

The path to his ura same has already been started. Since March the best time to start listening
two months during which The working group will be responsible for drafting the Plan and meet with citizens
operators, to listen to needs, demands and proposals. The result is a plan really involved, the result of
contribution of all.

to present the launch of the new PSSIR (Social and Regional Integrated Health Plan) 2011-2015,

and demonstrate new ways of working, the commissioners the right to health and welfare Daniela Scaramuccia
Salvatore Allocca will hold a press conference. The appointment is for Monday, February 28, at 13
in the press room of Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati, Piazza Duomo 10.

The press conference will be attended by Remaschi Marco, president of Commssione health;

Regional Council, and representatives of Anci and Uncem, who will work with the regional structures
in the listening phase.

Lucia Zambelli from Tuscany News

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fungal Infection In Anus

Intanto, il macchinario per la risonanza magnetica resta ben imballato e le liste d'attesa stretch.

From "Il Tirreno"

Analysis transferred to Livorno, by doctors and technicians

Everything under the minus sign. The tour of the tubes to the hospital in Livorno, will cost laboratory Villamarina the loss of a doctor, a biologist and three technicians. Meanwhile, the machinery for magnetic resonance imaging is well packed and waiting lists are getting longer. For a discussion, no appointment until mid-October. A Cecina. By mid-month, the Directorate will meet with local health unions for an examination of the project anticipated by the Tyrrhenian Sea. Among the organizations, many questions revolve around the possibility that the concentration of almost all the analysis in the capital and, to a lesser extent, in Cecina, may ultimately determine indeed a genuine savings and to increase the efficiency of servizio.

27 febbraio 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Copia-incolla da Tirreno Elba NEWS:

Elba With this report, the Health Committee of the Executive Board meets the assurances Asl 6 on the reduction of resources for the Project Elba: The Management Company

usl6 Livorno, following the significant reduction in resources allocated to the Elba project, we has ensured that no hospital or local service will be sacrificed. This is a statement of intent does not relieve us all from all the concerns that have plagued us so far on the proper functioning of the health Elba and does not detract at all from the reasons for which he was born on Elba Health Committee. If any department or outpatient area is existing maintained, this does not mean that it can automatically run with the efficiency standards that we demand at least for some time and to which they are entitled Elba.

insist that what it is is not corresponding to reality. For example, you need only one doctor on duty throughout the island of Elba as complex in terms of topography? E ', appropriate to provide a single guard travel for one month every year taking into account the exponential increase in attendance during the entire season?

As we have stated on several occasions, in fact, the more critical that runs through the system is insufficient staff dedicated to each hospital ward, outpatient service or territorial, particularly the lack of highly qualified personnel for sensitive positions, such as those related to urgency or emergency and intensive care. Most of the resources for the project Elbe were aimed to get their donations to attract more nurses, doctors and health workers to come to work and above all to stay in Elba. This, along with a municipal government housing policy, which would provide decent accommodation at reasonable prices, also accompanied by a continuous interchange between the different companies, would have triggered a virtuous system for which economic incentives to remain sull’isola si poteva aggiungere una importante possibilità individuale di crescita professionale anche in loco.

Noi crediamo che questa sia la missione di qualsiasi amministrazione che debba governare il nostro sistema sanitario. Per noi infatti il soddisfacimento del diritto alla salute deve essere sempre e rigorosamente a vocazione pubblica e nel suo ambito fornire la massima efficienza possibile ed in tempi ragionevolmente brevi senza che le liste di attesa per qualsiasi prestazione diventino un calvario per i cittadini utenti. Per questo respingiamo con forza qualsiasi insinuazione che ci assegni un ruolo di sponsor per prestazioni private fornite da istituti o ambulatori privati presenti sull’Isola.

Tuttavia ciò non means that in some particular cases of crowding may be useful for patients that the company signed contracts with a private home in highly controlled functionality, efficiency and economy to make the wait less painful and to avoid an expensive and arduous journey to the continent by the circumstances, while we know that have already been activated agreements with some private institutions in other Tuscan cities that are sometimes directed our citizens. We wonder if the rightful inspiration of the public health service has at times compatible with incidents reported by some users for whom the only reservation center (Cup), I would point to the long time waiting to receive such regular visits of specialists, immediately responds that this can be done in a very short time if made under the same intramural specialist, but certainly at a cost much higher. As if to say, those who can not afford to make do! To discuss and to involve all citizens in these and other important issues, the Committee Elba Health will launch a public meeting in the near future that also invite all those responsible or who is involved directly or indirectly in the management of Health Elba. Soon it will communicate the date and place.

Friday February 25, 2011 - 03:44

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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From Tirreno Elba NEWS:

by the Committee receive and publish health Elba: Elba Health

The Committee deplores and strongly condemns the incident relating to the threats received by Dot.ssa Monica Calamai. With company management have Usl6 always had a relationship of dialogue and sometimes fierce and contrast the merits of certain choices. We never thought to turn our struggle, civil and democratic expression of all citizens Elba that sustains us, to uncivilized manifestations of intolerance directed toward the person of General Director. She performs its task in accordance with the directives of the regional government, with independence of mind and personal staff members working with you, one and only focused on what our attention and our action. We expressed our opinions openly, having always had regard for communicate it to the same doctor because he has Calamai, as it should, direct knowledge. These events of violent intolerance as well as deeply offensive and principally its victims, can only indirectly damage our Committee
and his battle to improve the health of Elba, so, reading the news of this serious incident, we can not we also do not become seriously personally offended and outraged. Therefore to express our full solidarity with Dr. Calamai, hoping that this disturbing event can not disturb our relations in the future to continue a fruitful dialogue for the benefit of all.

Saturday, February 19, 2011 - 01:15

Photo 1: Michele Rampini

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Support Groups For Stroke Victims

A clamorous protest RESIGNS FROM WORK OF BEN ALI IN SERVICE indefinitely PORTOFERRAIO: "I can not 'work in these conditions"

From Tirreno Elba NEWS:

SENSATIONAL PROTEST OF BEN ALI IN SERVICE indefinitely PORTOFERRAIO: "I can not 'work in these conditions"
In a crisis like this, give up a seat permanent employment in a public institution seems really crazy. Eppure qualcuno ha avuto il coraggio di farlo, e ci ha chiamato per raccontare la sua storia. Ben Ali, 32 anni, tunisino, è all’ospedale di Portoferraio da un anno e mezzo, dopo aver vinto un concorso da infermiere professionale. Ha in mano la sua lettera di dimissioni, appena protocollata dagli uffici di San Rocco. Perché un gesto simile, gli abbiamo chiesto: “Sentivo di avere l’obbligo morale di farlo, almeno per me stesso – ci ha detto in tono pacato ma molto deciso – quando uno si alza al mattino per andare a lavorare deve essere sereno, qui invece stiamo vivendo una situazione abbastanza critica per mancanza di personale. Trovarsi da solo con dodici, sedici, a volte 22 posti letto da gestire a livello di care, treatment, emergencies, it's very stressful. When one is 30 years old like me, try to work hard and make the others feel good, and do not want to risk that something happens that does not depend on him. " Ben Ali works - or rather, worked - in the medical department on the third floor of the hospital of Portoferraio. "It 'a situation that has gone on now for a year and a half - he says - we wrote to hospital officials and trade unions to denounce this situation, we have made every meeting possible and imaginable, we are spending so many words, and now it's time to do something, at least as far as I'm concerned. For a year and a half lack staff with my qualification. When I did the competition for the Elbe we were thirty, and have come here at least a dozen, then after five or six months, many have asked for transfer to Piombino and Livorno: there would then be asked because it lacks the staff , but mostly because people do not want to work stay at Elba. Everyone knows the difficulties. I like to stay in Elba, but I had to face it too, and not just the problem of the cost to rent the apartments, but especially for working conditions. " We asked Ben Ali if there were specific incidents that led him to take this drastic decision, and he responded by simply telling quello che è successo stanotte in reparto: “Ieri sera nel nostro turno eravamo in due in alta intensità e in bassa intensità, due zone separate da tre porte chiuse, e ci siamo chiesti: ma se uno di noi due si sente male , chi lo sostituisce? Io ho chiamato i responsabili, ho chiamato anche i Carabinieri per far presente questa situazione a rischio. Mi è stato risposto: ma alle dieci di sera io che cosa posso fare? Probabilmente – ha aggiunto l’ormai ex infermiere con una punta di amarezza – bisogna aspettare che succeda qualcosa di grave per prendere provvedimenti. Se io sbaglio qualcosa nel mio lavoro, se non posso dare assistenza ai pazienti del mio reparto, arriva subito qualcuno a chiedermene conto”. Abbiamo chiesto a Ben Ali se si fosse confrontato con i suoi colleghi, “ma loro – ci ha risposto – questi problemi li vedono dal loro punto di vista, ed hanno i loro buoni motivi per andare avanti: io sono giovane, non ho famiglia, e non me la sento di andare avanti così”. E da domani, cosa farà? “A questo punto apro una partita IVA e lavorerò in proprio: mi assumerò le mie personali responsabilità, mi organizzerò nella maniera migliore per le mie esigenze e per la mia coscienza: lavorare da dipendente in questa sanità, oggi, non è più conveniente, è un rischio che non voglio correre”.

  mercoledì February 9, 2011 - 17:47

Photo 1: Ben Ali

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Josh Hutcherson Car Accident


From "Il Tirreno" Piombino-Elba of December 31, 2010
" Magnetic resonance imaging is not yet "

PIOMBINO. Among the objectives for Villamarina, the ASL does not forget to indicate the arrival of magnetic resonance imaging. Who is serving an arrival delay and the latest news provided by the same signal with a generic early 2011. Previously it seemed that the machine should come into operation last October. "The increasing use frequent heavy use of so-called diagnostic as CT or MRI, has played a key role in creating a waiting list as the current, "says the ASL emphasizing the collaboration of physicians to reduce unnecessary requests for services and to offer a logistically and technically advanced service. "For this reason - he adds - in the early months of the new year will start operating the new MRI that will ensure top performance in terms of quality and quantity allowing a reduction in expectations." The ASL notes that there are access paths to Tac and ultrasounds, differentiated according to the real needs of the user as the protocols "H 72", which may be paid the service within 72 hours if the family physician finds the urgency.

Elba For us the situation is even heavier, and often we have to move too far, as can be seen by appointment form attached, in which the May 1 issue is not executable. Not necessarily be in a state of emergency to qualify for the times "decent", you can feel bad and need to make assessments even if you are not in a position of "urgency."

We Elba is also precluded the possibility of private agreements, such as happens in who is on the mainland, because there are none. Maybe we should ask about this aspect, as citizens, attention and commitment of the directors for consideration and identified alternate routes in place to reduce waiting times.